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four. your truth is a harder pill to swallow

you look like yourself, but I see someone else

only it ain't on the surface

Laurel stood in her robe, facing two police officers on the welcome mat

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Laurel stood in her robe, facing two police officers on the welcome mat. Behind her, Belly, Conrad, Steven, Jeremiah, and Katherine anxiously watched the exchange.

"Officers, thank you," Laurel said with a strained smile. "It won't happen again, I can promise you that much."

The second cop spoke up. "Tell Mr. Fisher that the Chief wants to set a tea time with him when he's back in town."

Laurel nodded, trying not to grimace. "Absolutely. Sorry again for the trouble. Have a good night, officers."

As the officers left, Laurel closed the door and turned to face all five of the children, her frustration evident.

"How could you guys be so irresponsible?" Laurel's gaze fell on Conrad and Katherine, who sat on the couch together. She sighed, realizing that they were both part of the problem. Katherine shifted uncomfortably, guilt written across his face. Steven stepped forward, trying to defend their actions.

"Mom, it wasn't a big deal. Seriously," Steven said, his voice filled with false nonchalance. "The cops were just looking to break up the bonfire."

Laurel shook her head, her disappointment clear. "Not a big deal? I would say getting picked up by the cops for underage drinking is a pretty big deal, Steven!"

Laurel's hair swung around, and Steven sniffed, feeling the tension in the room. Katherine exchanged a nervous glance with Conrad, realizing they were both in trouble.

Steven scoffed, "Were you guys... smoking tonight?"

"Wh-What," Then Laurel shook her head, glaring at her son, "Keep your voice down, Susannah is asleep on the couch."

"I wasn't yelling! You-You were."

Laurel's frustration intensified, and she spoke turning to Conrad and Katherine. "You two were supposed to know better. As the older ones, you should have been there, setting a better example."

Jeremiah interjected, his voice filled with remorse. "Laurel, just so you know, I didn't drink tonight, I swear. I was the DD."

Laurel's attention shifted to Belly, who looked slightly disheveled and wore a hoodie that wasn't hers.

"And when did you leave the house without telling anybody? And what in the world are you wearing?" Laurel asked, her voice a mix of concern and exasperation.

Belly hesitated for a moment, her eyes darting around before she spoke. "It's Taylor's. And why am I the only one not allowed to go out?"

Laurel took a deep breath, struggling to maintain her composure. "It's not that you're not allowed, Belly. It's that you should have let us know you were going out. How did you even get there?"

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