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nine. there's more than one story going on
"maybe we got lost in translation"

Despite what most would like to think, Belly was not stupid. Yes, it was possible for her to act idiotic and reckless sometimes, oblivious and a bit dreamy but Isabel Conklin was not a stupid girl. Never had been, never will be. She saw things others were unable to see.

Up until now, we've been hearing the story through Katherine's perspective, witnessing the unfolding events, the shared histories, and the broken promises. But there was another Conklin girl, much like her cousin... whose soul only ever awakened during the summer.

Belly had always been drawn to the enchantment of summer. It was as if the warm sun and salty breeze breathed life into her soul, awakening a side of her that was vibrant and full of possibilities. While the rest of the year may have dulled her spirit, summer had the power to ignite her with a sense of adventure and a thirst for experiencing life to the fullest.

To understand Katherine's story and thus Katherine and Conrad's epic tragedy or a beautiful fairytale as it will one day become, for we are not sure where fate will lead them, we first need to know Belly. 

When Belly was six years old, in her mind, Katherine was the best birthday gift she could have ever gotten. There was something so pure between their relationship, the grieving eight year-old and the younger cousin who just wanted to make the other girl smile. If anyone would ask her now too, she would still consider Katherine as the best birthday gift ever. Because Katherine was more than her family, and though they shared blood, their bond was forged upon real friendship, one that Steven himself would be jealous of.

Katherine was Belly's rock and Belly was one of the only people on earth for who she would let her own heart break a million little times.

Belly had always held a lingering suspicion that Katherine was in love with Conrad. Perhaps she hadn't fully grasped the depth of her cousin's feelings or consciously acknowledged it, but deep down, she knew. In the back of her mind, it had always made sense. Conrad was the kind of boy it was easy to fall in love with. It was no surprise that both the Conklin girls would fall for him.

In the quiet moments, when Katherine's gaze lingered a little too long on Conrad, when her voice softened and her smile carried a certain warmth, Belly saw the undeniable signs. She had always been perceptive when it came to matters of the heart. And with Katherine, it was no different.

Conrad had an effortless charm and magnetic presence that drew people towards him. He possessed an enigmatic allure that made it all too easy to fall under his spell. His quiet intensity had a way of captivating hearts, leaving a trail of admirers in his wake.

Belly understood the allure, for she had felt it too. She had witnessed firsthand the way Conrad's presence commanded attention, his words carrying a weight that resonated deep within the soul.

Perhaps it was because of Katherine that Belly never made any advances towards Conrad or maybe it was because she didn't know if he would ever feel such a way towards her. It could have been anything. But Belly knew that if Katherine ever told her that she was truly in love with Conrad and he wanted her too, the girl would be ready to bury her feeling six feet under and pretend that they never existed.

If there was one person on earth that she would do that for, it would be Katherine.

Little did Belly know that Katherine would do the same for her.

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