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three. your words were always too pretty

"think about the place where you first met me"

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"think about the place where you first met me"

Katherine Conklin was eight years old when she visited Cousins for the first time. 

She had felt a bit scared and sad as they pulled up to the beach house. It was her first time visiting Cousins, and everything felt different without her parents. Uncle John and Aunt Laurel had promised to take care of her, but she couldn't help feeling a bit lost. 

As they got out of the car, Katherine noticed her cousins, Belly and Steven, running out at once with big smiles on their faces. They were excited to see be there, and she tried to muster a smile in support. But her heart still ached for her parents.

Standing nearby was a boy about Katherine's age. He had messy hair and on his face was the most mature expression she had seen on anyone her own age. Aunt Laurel introduced him as Conrad, her best friend's son. Conrad's family was there at the beach house too, and Katherine wondered if he understood how she felt.

"Hi, I'm Katherine," she said softly, feeling a little shy.

Conrad gave her a warm smile and said, "Hey, Katherine. Nice to meet you. I'm Conrad."

Aunt Laurel and Uncle John went inside the beach house to unpack, leaving Katherine with Belly, Steven, and Conrad. She felt a bit uncertain, unsure of what to do or say.

Belly broke the silence, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Want to come play with us, Katherine?"

Katherine hesitated, feeling a mix of emotions. But Conrad spoke up, sensing her unease. "It's okay, Katherine. I'll stay with you if you want," he said kindly, understanding that she needed some comfort.

Katherine nodded gratefully, appreciating Conrad's gesture. He seemed to know how she was feeling, even without saying much. All of them walked down to the beach together, while Conrad's family followed closely behind.

As Belly and Steven built sandcastles, Conrad stayed by Katherine's side. They started drawing shapes in the sand, finding solace in each other's company. Conrad's younger brother, Jeremiah, soon joined them, bringing a playful energy to the group.

"Are you having fun?" Conrad asked, his voice gentle.

Katherine shrugged, feeling a lump in her throat. But Conrad's mother, Susannah, approached them, her warm smile offering reassurance.

"She's just adjusting, Conrad. It's natural to feel a bit overwhelmed," Susannah said, her voice filled with understanding.

Conrad nodded, grateful for his mother's wisdom. He turned to Katherine and gently said, "Take your time, Katherine. We're here for you."

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