Chapter 18

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I hadn't seen Henry since my birthday. God, was that a punch in the teeth, he didn't come to say goodbye, he didn't even pop over to the camp to say 'Hi' since my birthday. I didn't hold a grudge, I wasn't annoyed or angry or even upset. Leaving Sheffield was going to be hard for me, I had the experience of a lifetime and maybe, just maybe he didn't want to put a downer on it and so he thought to not say goodbye but leave our ending, actually an open end. In hopes that we could finish our story properly. And that is what I had told myself as we packed up the campsite and set our destination as Small Heath. 

I needed to get home, I needed to be there for Aunt Polly's birthday, even if she wasn't there for mine. I still needed her and she, I think, still needed me; I hope I was right. 

It was Theresa's family that took me home. After a bumpy ride, down the cascading country roads and the fresh smelling fields, I was back at the smog-filled Birmingham streets. Instantly, I felt at home, I felt as though I had never left, it was all the same, the chalk graffiti on the dark bricks, the muddy streets, the loud cries of babies and the people. Every corner I had turned, "Good Morning Ms McCann" or "Lovely day out today Ma'am" or even just a tip of a Gentleman's hat or a nod from the mother's of the town. It was a lovely day, that's one thing I was able to agree with people on, however it wasn't a 'Good morning' it was more of a 'Stressful morning'. I had to face Finn and John and Arthur and well all of the Shelby's, and trust me it wasn't going to be exciting and as easy going as I may have thought it would've been. 

I normally tell them everything, any type of big news that happens to me, but recently I have told them nothing but lies. I don't understand why and I don't understand how I have managed to keep things from them this well. They are my family and I can't seem to tell them anything? That's not supposed to happen, right? I'm supposed to be able to let them know the ins and outs of my trip, with the Lee family, but deep down I don't want them too because I know for a fact that the boys will not be happy about it; Polly will probably never let me go away with Theresa anymore. I didn't know what to do. 

Before I knew it, the large door was right in my face and it was slightly ajar, letting some of the 'Shhhing' and whisperings. They are surprising Aunt Pol, but how because she always finds out about everything and anything that happens within her house. Taking a deep breathe, I push the door open and I am engulfed with the hussle and bussle of the betting den. 

I am home. 

Looks like I arrived home just in time, Aunt Pol entered the room to an uproar of claps and cheers. This is one of the only times I have ever seen the whole gang celebrate Polly's birthday, let alone any of our birthdays, normally it's us, the intimate family. "What the bloody hell is going on?" Polly spoke in confusion. I kept my distance, from the commotion, until I saw the main man emerge from the shadows of the room, clapping in rhythm with everyone else; I thought that maybe this was my cue to join in. "When did you get back?" I watched as Polly focused on Tommy's entrance, even though I was stood right behind him, but as I have always known, no one can ever out shine Tommy's presence. " I didn't want to miss you birthday, Pol. And neither did Ciara." Tommy, so kindly, introduced me, while lacing an arm around Aunt Polly's shoulder, while she stood there still in disbelief. "When did you get back, Ciara?" Polly questioned. 

"This morning, Pol. The Lee's dropped me off." I replied, walking up to her with my arms open and giving her a hug. Hugging Aunt Pol, well it felt like a daughter hugging her mother, the only difference was Polly was neither my aunt or my mother, but she was just as good. "Happy Birthday, Aunt Pol." 

"How'd you know it's my birthday, nobody ever knows." Polly reminded Tommy. "Ah, it's different this year." Thomas replies, leading Polly towards the back of the betting shop. "John, Finn, bring the car round. Take Ciara with you, don't leave her out" Tommy demanded, pointing his cigarette at me. "Thanks Tom, how kind of you to remind them that I am stood right here." I reply with a sarcy tone, I mean does he think they are blind? They can be stupid but they both have a pair of eyes that work. 

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