Chapter 11

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"Come on Ciara," Theresa began. "They won't be gone for much longer, I promise." She looked at me with promising eyes, before reaching into the pocket of her dress. " Look, I have Isaiah's wallet. He hasn't got much but he'd understand if we went to go get ourselves a pot of popcorn and some water." She finished, while flicking through the few notes and removing some before putting the rest in her pocket.

"I guess so," I responded but I couldn't focus on just getting some popcorn and a drink. I was more worried about the boys, they had been gone for 10 minutes already; it wasn't a large Fair so they really shouldn't have been gone for that long.

The popcorn stand was only a few meters away from where we were stood, so it didn't take long before we were up by the counter ordering two small pots of salted popcorn and some water to share between us. Although it didn't cost much, I still didn't like that we were taking money from Isaiah; I made a mental note to pay him back later, when we got home of course. We got our snacks and drink and moved aside to sit on a bench. I felt horrible, I was constantly shaking and my breathing was staggering- almost as bad as earlier. 

Deep breathes. Take deep breaths, Ciara. That's all you have to do, they'll come back unharmed.

That's what I thought until Theresa snapped me out of my own thoughts. "Shit, shit, shit!" Was all I heard coming from her gaped open mouth. 

"T, you alright?" I questioned turning my face to her. 

"Ciara please tell me you're seeing exactly what I'm seeing right now? That massive crowd over there?" She uttered curiously, pointing subtly over to a large crowd over to the left of us.

"Holy Fuck!" I announced throwing,what I had left of the popcorn on the floor and legging it over to the crowd. As we got closer, I could hear the slight chants of men.

 "Fight!Fight!Fight" and the occasional "You're fucking Peaky Boys, let him have it!" Oh no, no, no, no. They have either accidentally got themselves into a fight or they have found out who that stealing Son of a Bitch was. Either way, they have fucked up badly.

"Move out of my way!" I shouted as I pushed past people. "I said fucking move now, or I'll move you my-fucking-self!" Slowly but surely, everyone did move and created a clear path, through the crowd, for me and Theresa to pass through. We got to the eye of the storm, I swear these boys will be the fucking death of me.

"Give me that back, you Dickhead!" Isaiah loudly announced, before edging closer to the man in question. "I said fucking give it back, before I push your head into that ground!" He was only inches away from him now. 

Without a second thought, my eyes darted in search of a friendly face. My eyes landed on him, okay so at least one of them ain't lost the plot yet. His ocean eyes met mine and before I knew it he was up close and personal with the same man that Isaiah was. 

I hadn't taken one look at the man in question until now; I recognised his face, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Why would he seem so familiar to me? I either would know who he was or not at all but his face was in the deep blurr of my brain. 

Then it finally clicked.

Holy shit! It was that copper! 

"Theresa we need to go now!" I said abruptly, "Like we need to grab the boys and go back to the camp and I need to go home." My breathing became hitched again. Holy fuck, what was I supposed to do? Do I tell Tommy? No, he'd would already know. But do I need to tell someone about this encounter? No. I can't tell anyone, I need to let the boys know that.

Without thinking, I ran into the middle of the circle and grabbed Finn by the shoulder. "We need to leave now, Finn. Please just trust me. We can find a replacement for my locket, and pay for another photo to get-" I was cut off.

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