Chapter 16

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Pink or Blue? 

Switching between the two dresses in the mirror, I really couldn't decide which colour to go for. After a long sigh, I threw the dresses on the bed and opened the wagon door, "Theresa, adu-ți fundul aici, acum, înainte să te jenez!"

"Theresa, get you arse here, now, before I embarrass you!"

Well of course, by shouting in romani, everyone in the Lee camp understood and pivorted their heads so fast; some looked as if they were about to fly off. I saw one specific Lee girl look at me as if she was crazy. "What're you looking at, eh?" I snapped.

"Okay, okay Ciara. I'm here." Theresa interrupted, "You need to remember that they are my family," She whispered into her ear, while turning me round and pushing me inside her wagon. 

"Right, sit down." I instructed her and as she did so, she picked up the two dresses up off the bed; holding one dress up and then switching between the blue and pink one, with a questioning look directed at Theresa; asking for her help.

"Pink." She responded after taking a long look at both of the dresses. "Pink one with that white bow you always wear. That will look perfect on you!" Theresa continues, with almost as much excitement as me, "He'll be stupid if he doesn't think that you are the most beautiful girl in the world!" She finished, finally getting up and hugging me so tight that it knocked the wind straight out of me.

"Please T calm the fuck down!" I replied with a light laugh and a pat on her back. "I need to get changed and sort my hair out, you head outside and when I'm ready I'll come out, then we can head into town and go our separate ways." Theresa left the wagon after I had finished talking and informing her what was going to happen next, with all the emotions flying left, right and centre; I had almost forgot the purpose of me dressing up.

That purpose was the fact that it was my birthday! I am finally a lady of sixteen years old. 

Oh, I also couldn't forget that Henry Johnson was taking me on a birthday date. To say I was excited was an understatement, I was absolutely ecstatic- that was a word I remember Polly telling me- I had to be ready for anything, he didn't tell me where we were going or what we were doing and so I was also a tad bit nervous; however the excitement definitely over took every emotion I had felt. 

Apart from that one emotion that scared me the most, attraction, or as some people would call it; love. 

I never really liked to refer to 'love' as one of my many emotions, because everytime I had ever loved someone, whether it was as friends or because they were my family, they either wound up dead or never wanted anything to do with me once they found out who took me in after the death of my Dad. So, I resorted into changing 'love' to 'attraction', however, it may not fully express how I may feel about someone, it definitely reassures myself that I won't lose them, and personally 'attraction' sounds more adventurous. 

'Ouch', I know. It hurts but you gotta do what you gotta do, and believe me, I learnt that many years ago when the Shelby family took me in-I say Shelby family, but there isn't much of that family left if Thomas keeps going the way he is. I for sure don't want anything to do with that expansion into London, yet I still almost got taken advantage off by one of Sabini's men for simply living with that Venomous Bunch of Fuckers. That's why I was kind of glad to be going away for my birthday, yes okay I was mad at the start, but as I settled into the camp more and more; I had come to the realisation that there's a high possibility that only Polly and Ada would have remembered that today was my birthday, the boys would be of gallivanting down Small Heath and probably threatening a few people here and there; I wasn't going to stand for that . 

But hey, no need to worry about them for today, because today was my day, and I was meeting a handsome boy for a great 16th Birthday, one that he promised that I would never forget. 

The dress was on, as I began to tie the white bow into the back of my hair. It helped to keep back the front bits of my hair that always piss me off and, it looked cute, so I guess that's a bonus. At my age, I didn't wear much makeup because I was always told that I didn't need it but it is my day, so my rules; so I applied some peritoneum jelly and coal mixture that Polly had gifted me a couple weeks before I left, as an early birthday gift. She said I had to apply it to my lashes, apparently it made them look darker and longer, so I trusted her and did so; after I was happy with the result f my lashes, I dabbed on a light red lipstick onto my lips, to give them a warm colour. 

I was ready but I didn't actually know what for.

Brushing my dress down, I tidied up the top of the chest of drawers and quickly sprayed a sweet scent over me, creating an aroma of flowers that surrounded me. After getting myself in order, as well as I could, I headed into the outdoors; smelling the aroma of mixed herbs and fresh scents. That was one thing I enjoyed about travelling, the many weird and wonderful smells that would fill my nose, every new minute of the day.

I had exactly ten minutes to get down to the meadow, where me and Henry would always meet. However, before leaving I made sure that my dress was straighten out and that I HAD theresa by my side, before setting off for an adventure of a lifetime. However, I had no clue what he had planned for me.

And let me tell you know, what I did get, was far from what I was expecting.


Well, hello guys! I know it has been some time since I have published anything and I know that it's a short one but at least I'm back and hopefully for a long time. Although, I do have my GCSE's in a couple months, let's be real I am not revising! I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in many months but I thought I would post today because today marks 1 YEAR AND A WEEK since I had started writing this story and I know we aren't hugely far in but I still think that's a cool achievement. Anyways, thank you for your guys love and support on this book, and I hope that I'm here to stay for awhile!

Love C x

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