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This is a story where James and Lilly survived:  them the family who lives. Regulus Black also lived. Sirius and Remus are the godfathers of harry and get married later in the story and Harry is taught by them how to become a prankster, however they face many challenges taking care of little Harry.


October 31st 1981 -

It was the night that Lord Voldemort attacked the Potters' house in Godric Hollows.

Lily was about to put her 1 year old son down for a nap, when Suddenly Voldemort enters the room.

"Lily!! Take harry and go, I'll hold him off!!" Screamed James Potter, her husband.


Suddenly Lord Voldemort was on the ground moments later, James Potter had his wand in hand.

A couple days later, it was all anyone could talk about and was in the daily prophet for awhile too. The potters decided to live in the manor and Padfoot, Remus and Reggie moved in too!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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