Horrors of Memories

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Suddenly, the truck jerked to a stop. After a moment, a click echoed through the back of the truck, and sunlight spread in. She stuffed the gun in her waistband and took off running. A timid guard stared at her. "Grab her you imbecile," someone shouted. 

He raised his gun, only to get hit by three rapid electrical stings- her 'widows bite.' She really didn't want to hurt him, he seemed innocent, so she sent a couple more 'bites' his way. Jumping onto a discarded motorbike, she murmured, "It's time to have some fun."

A devious grin on her face, she sped towards a guard, not intent on stopping. The guard yelled, and dived away, seconds before impact. The wheels grinded against the gravel, sending sparks and grit flying. 

After what seemed like an hour, she ditched the bike, keys and all. Upon a roof, awaiting contact from Barton, she looked back.  The wind seemed to pause, and her heart did too. 

She opened her mouth wide, hoping, thinking she was in a dream.

A man, barely older than the last time she saw him stood in a dark corner. She resisted the urge not to cry. His dark, brown hair whipped around his face, as the wind suddenly seemed to reflect her emotions. He raised a gun, large and different to hers. It had to be heavy, yet it seemed to be a feather in his hands.

He slowly walked closer, walking on a crushed car, under a bridge. As he was concealed in the shadows, she wanted to believe. She really did. But, as he got closer, there was no recognition in his eyes. Only that cold look of death, the power that drove many insane. Not him. Somehow, not him. Or her. 

"Nat?" Came Bartons voice, concerned, breaking her out of her thoughts.

"Natasha answer me!"

"Bozhe moy," she muttered, speaking Russian for the 1st or 2nd time, today after a long, long time. 

"He's here. They found me, Clint. They found me." And with that, Natasha Romanoff took out her earpiece, letting it fall to the ground, waiting for the Winter Soldier to come.

Because when Widow's fall, Winter is coming...

Ah hah! A cliff hanger. See you soon.

Any ideas?

I love the last line. It just popped into my head. Read something similar to it once and loved it. 

Thanks for reading.


I searched up Buckynat and MY BOOK, THIS BOOK came up! WOW!!


As always, :)

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