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Cold, bleak lights flickered on and off. A table was pushed down the white tiles. Red splattered the otherwise clean floors. A young, redhead girl screamed. But no sound came out. A man stood in the corner, punching the wall, over and over. His brown hair fell over his face. His knuckles were bleeding, but he kept on punching. Until he saw her face. Her hair was all over the place, and the fire in her sharp, green eyes wasn't there. He wanted to gasp, yet no sound came out. He was... Scared. His mind was working frantically. But he knew what had happened. If something bad had happened... They were to blame. The horrible people who ruined this young girl's life. He knew what he had to do. He started to raise his fist, but he fell down. A man in a grey and black uniform smirked. His arm was still outstretched, a stunner with a powerful sleeping injection and an electrical taser stood out, merely nothing in the girl's pain. It was the people who deserved to die. As the man fell to the ground, a mark visible where the operative stunned him, he thought: 'they did it. They broke 'Talia'... They will pay...' 

He woke up in a room, chained to the chair. 

"They did it. I, we have no future. They" ...  

She fell down, still screaming, her pain unbearable. And they took him away. She never saw him again.

 Until that fateful mission, that horrifying night. When he was standing there, and he didn't recognise her. He was trying to kill her.

His name was asset 5. 

Hers was asset 10. 

They were assassins. 

 They are the Winter Soldier and the Black Widow. 

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