
Y/n:Are you dangerous for me?


Y/n:Fe-*Cut off by*

Felix:*Turns her around*

Y/n:*Rest her hands on his chest,looks at him*

Felix:Do you think I'm dangerous for you,Love?

Y/n:*Bites her lips*

Felix:*Connects their forehead*I asked something,Love......Do you think I'm dangerous for you?


Felix;Then why did you ask if I think whether I'm dangerous for you or not?

Y/n:...That thought just went across my mind so i..just asked you..

Felix:*Chuckles darkly*

Y/n:*Gets nervous*

Felix:Don't lie,Love...

Y/n:I-Im not lying...

Felix:*Opens his eyes staring into her soul*

Felix:*Opens his eyes staring into her soul*

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Felix:Love,I don't want to hurt you...

Y/n:*Doesn't say anything*

Felix:What are you hiding from me?*Smiles*

Y/n:*Doesn't say anything*

Felix:If I find it out myself...it won't be good,love*Whispers*

Y/n:*Takes a deep breath*I-It's nothing,Felix..

Felix:*Chuckles then gently slides his hand down her curves*

Y/n:*Gets goosebumps*F-Felix..?

Felix:Hm?*Slides his hand in her pocket taking out the piece of paper then showing it to her*Is it nothing?


Felix:*Wraps his left arm around her waist holding her tightly**Looks at the piece of paper*Do you really believe this,Love?

Y/n:*Doesn't say anything*

Felix:*Chuckles*Love...I don't like the silence you're giving me...

Y/n:*Opens her mouth to say something but nothing comes out*

Felix:*Looks at her dead in the eye*You know that they're my enemy...and they'll do anything to split us apart...

Y/n:*Stays quite*

Felix:And if you trust these kind of nonsense...they will suceed,Love...*Deep tune*

Y/n:S-Sorry*Whispers,bites her lips*

Felix:*Looks at the paper reading it again*


Felix:So....Were you really planning to leave me?

Y/n:*Stays quite*

Felix:Running away?..In this Deep forest?


Felix:Although you managed to escape last time...with Rose...

Y/n:*Look at him*

Felix:But you still got caught in my hands,Love

Y/n:*Looks away*

Felix:*Makes her look at him by grabbing her chin*It's okay..run away


Felix;In the end you'll still be in my hands..and in my house with me


Felix:There is no escape from me,Love*Chuckles darkly*

Y/n:*Mind=....H-He's..scaring m-me....*

Felix:What I want...has to be mine even if I have to burn down this whole earth,What I want ends up in my hands no matter what...*Smiles*And I want you...so the decision is your's,Love*Pecks her nose*


Felix;You can run away but remember in the end you'll find yourself back in my house...in my hands

Y/n:*Stays quite*

Felix:*Throws the paper off the balcony then caress her cheeks*Understand?

Y/n:*Slightly nods*

Felix:*Smiles*Good girl...now let's go to bed*Leans a little towards her*It's cold*Pecks her cheek*


Felix:*Takes her inside*

Psycho....||Lee Felix FF||Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu