Chapter Twenty Two

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Rain watched as Bret climbed through the ropes into the ring. He took a seat on the stool that had been set up for him opposite JR and then checked his microphone.

"Ok, guys,we're rolling in three, two, one," said the cameraman.

"Bret it's good to have you here. Your fans have been clamouring for your return and now you're back they want to know what is next for the Hitman?"

"Well JR it is good to be back. We always warn our fans that they should not try this at home and I hope that in some small way my injury has been a reminder of why we give the message that people who are not trained should not attempt to step through the ring or try the moves we do. We are professionals who have trained under other professionals. In my case I started training almost as soon as I could walk because as you know my dad is Stu Hart and all us kids were raised in the family business."

"Of course Stu is a living legend," said Jim respectfully. "He must be so proud of everything you have achieved."

"All I have ever wanted is to make my dad proud," Bret replied, humbly. "My dad was a great wrestler himself, a legend in his own lifetime and what he has built with Stampede is nothing short of perfect. He's given young men like me the opportunity to train with some of the best in the business. I earned my stripes under my dad before I set foot in a ring for WWE and I will never forget the lessons I learnt there."

"You must be grateful to have had the opportunity to grow up around not just a whole host of the best wrestlers there were, but also to train with your brothers."

"Yeah my brothers and I always enjoyed our time in the ring. We'd wrestle near enough every night for Stampede,  but Dad trusted me with the belt there; I was his champion. I beat every opponent who was put in front of me because I am the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be. I don't say that lightly or out of arrogance, but I think my record speaks for itself."

"Bret let me show you this video we filmed with your parents just a couple of days ago."

Rain watched as Stu and Helen appeared on the large screen positioned behind Bret and JR and listened as they talked about how proud they were and listed all of Bret's achievements. It was a beautifully cut video and Helen had even managed a few tears as she spoke of Bret overcoming all the odds to overcome his injury this time. She said she was almost afraid for him to get back in the ring, but he was the best and she knew it was right for him. Stu talked about the old Stampede days and the fact he needed a champion with integrity and that champion was Bret.

"How does it feel listening to that Bret?" asked JR.

"Well it feels pretty damn good, JR. All I have ever wanted is to make my father proud and hearing him speak like that..." Bret paused, as if overcome and then lifted his gaze directly at the camera, perfectly exhibiting complete sincerity. "I don't know what to say, JR. Just I am so proud of what I've achieved and so glad it makes Dad proud too."

"Now your mom has some concerns about you being back in the ring, Bret. What do you think of that? How could you reassure her?"

"Well, JR in this business there is always the risk of being hurt, especially if your opponent doesn't know what they're doing. But I wouldn't be here if I didn't think I could continue to be the best wrestler in this company. My mom knows that I can overcome just about any opponent and I'm here to prove to everyone that I am what I say I am; I am the best technical wrestler there is and I don't think anyone could ever match me."

He said this with such sincerity that it didn't come across as overtly arrogant; just extremely confident. As the camera switched off Rain headed to the ring. She gave Bret a huge hug.

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