Chapter Fifteen

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It was Bret who gave Eva her bath that night and carried his sleepy daughter to bed to read some stories with her, while Rain relaxed with his parents and a bottle of wine. She just had the one glass as Bret couldn't drink and she felt guilty, but she enjoyed it. Conversation flowed easily between them, as she told them about the new writer, Col and explained she was mentoring him remotely. Stu was interested in the storylines as always and Helen was pleased she was working again, knowing that this would make Rain happier too. By the time Bret came down they were reminiscing about the first Christmas she had met them and all three were laughing. He sat down on the couch beside Rain and casually put an arm around her, which she didn't object to. He didn't join in the conversation though, just listened to them chatting.

"You're quiet, Bret," Helen  commented and he looked across giving her a small smile.

"Just tired, Mom."

"You sure?" she asked and he nodded.

"Can't get a word in," he said. He meant it as a joke but Rain flinched, recalling his harsh words about her with his parents. She got up and asked if anyone wanted a water, excusing herself to the kitchen. She stood at the counter, sipping a glass of water and then Bret came through to her. "You alright?"

"I'm sorry," she said, immediately, straightening up and looking at him. He looked puzzled.

"Sorry about what?" he asked.

"Monopolising your parents. I should have put Eva to bed so you could spend some time with them; they're your folks not mine."

Bret looked at her for a moment, his expression unreadable but then he turned back to the living room, sitting on the couch, a slight scowl on his face. The conversation became a little stilted and then Stu announced it was time for them to head home.  Rain watched as they left and then turned to face Bret nervously. He avoided her gaze though and instead gathered the wine glasses, taking them through to the kitchen to wash. She stood frozen for a moment and then headed up to their bedroom. The temptation to go back in the girls' room was high but she steeled herself and after cleaning her teeth and washing she got into the bed she shared with Bret, pulling the covers over her and turning on her side, facing away from his side of the bed. She must have dozed off because suddenly she felt his weight on the bed. Glancing over her shoulder she saw he was lying flat on his back, staring up at the ceiling. Unable to face a conversation, she closed her eyes tight and remained facing away from him,  but he made no attempt to touch her or speak to her and they both fell into an uneasy sleep, both a little confused by how the night had ended up.


The following morning Rain woke to find Bret's arm across her waist and his face nestled into her shoulder. He was still fast asleep and she figured he'd moved closer to her when he dozed off the night before.  She enjoyed the feel of his arm around her while he slept, snuggling back against him sleepily. Bret's arm suddenly tightened around her and then his lips found her shoulder, giving it a gentle kiss. And then a little body jumped on the bed, climbing up between them and they were both covered in little kisses as Eva giggled away happily.

"Mommy! Daddy! It's morning time!"

"Hi baby," said Rain , gathering her daughter into a cuddle. Bret flopped back down on his back and Eva wriggled from Rain's arms to sit on her father's stomach, a huge grin on her face.

"Me and Daddy are gonna play dominoes today," she announced. "And we're gonna make huge messes in the playroom!"

"Is that so?" said Rain and Eva giggled.

"I'm gonna play with all my toys Mommy cos they missed me and me and Daddy are gonna have so much fun!" And she squealed excitedly as Bret jiggled her and then caught her in a hug as he sat up.

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