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Feldgrau is a greenish grey color. It was the official basic color of military uniforms of the German armed forces from the early 20th century until 1945 or 1989. Armed forces of other countries also used various shades of that color.

Sweet Pea didn't go looking for information about Jughead's life.

Because (a); he couldn't care less and (b); sniffing out information about his soulmate could only turn out bad for him. No matter which way it blew, Sweet Pea sincerely doubted they would be Riverdale's next fairy tale couple. So the fuck did it matter finding out who was in Jughead's orbit that was connected to him in a way that Jughead would never, ever understand?

Okay, he wanted to.

But he knew he shouldn't.

And still, everything he learned about Jughead was against his will.

The fucktard that gave him his black eye was named Archie.

His annoying richie-rich of a girlfriend that stopped the fight was Veronica Lodge.

See? Didn't mean he wasn't listening.

Jughead arrived at school one day with a packed lunch. Toni noticed something; she grabbed a bright neon pink sticky note out of Jughead's lunchbox. Toni wouldn't know it was pink, no more than Jughead would.

"Aww, cute!" She said, "That girlfriend of yours doesn't seem like the type to leave these sorts of messages," She said, waving the sticky note around. He just caught a glimpse before Jughead shoved it back into his pocket. It was a little snake.

"She's not, but she knows I'm stressed," Jughead sighed, glaring at Toni. Likely because-

"You have a girlfriend, Jones?" Fangs said, and something he'd been trying to keep a secret was now common knowledge. Sweet Pea couldn't very well say he knew because the way he found out was...not common knowledge. He wanted to keep it that way. Still, hearing it confirmed made him feel...odd. Weird. Unsettled.

It was okay enough to sort of just sit with the knowledge, but hearing Jughead not exactly deny that yes, the reason his lips were colored was that someone was kissing him, put Sweet Pea off his lunch.

Sometimes it almost came out. When he was going toe-to-toe with Jughead and he caught a glimpse of where Betty had probably brushed his shoulder, rubbing a span of fabric that was a deep forest green, Sweet Pea nearly taunted him. Asked him if he picked out that color or if he just grabbed something out of the trash.

Wait for the realization to cross Jug's face. Replay that picture forever.

But ah, he couldn't. Not until he was sure. Like...sure-sure.

Like this sort of sure, the Jughead acknowledging a girlfriend sort of sure.

It would be some sort of fucked up, wouldn't it? His soulmate was a bonafide Northsider, the group he was sure he hated. Some Romeo and Juliet bull, if he'd ever heard it. Or cosmic karma more like.

Yeah, if there was a god up there, it was laughing his ass off at Sweet Pea and this tangle they'd set him up in.

"Yeah," Jughead grumped, but underneath it, Sweet Pea saw him give a smile, a true smile, just for a flash of a second.

It shouldn't have bothered him that his least favorite almost-Serpent actually liked this girl, that she was the one thing that brought this moody kid joy, but knowing what Sweet Pea knew that Jughead didn't just made it worse.

Sweet Pea felt the urge suddenly to get the hell out of here. Something like a spidey sense going off saying that he did not want to be around for the rest of this conversation. As he started to pack up, he heard the rest of the conversation.

Prismatics (Sweet Pea x Betty)Where stories live. Discover now