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Incarnadine: the blood-red color of raw flesh; crimson.


"Dude you down for a burger?"

Sweet Pea poked his head outside of his trailer. He saw Fangs, Jedi, Vade, Casa, and a whole bunch of other Serpents lingering outside of his door.

"What is this? A team bonding exercise?" He snorted, "A boy's club?" He asked, noticing Toni was nowhere to be seen, nor any of the other female Serpents.

"Orca has a big date with a college boy, so all the girls are helping her get ready," Jedi rolled his eyes, "They asked me if I wanted to be on braid duty and I said a firm 'no thank you'! So we figured we better all scram before we get pulled into sewing a dress or something."

Sweet Pea considered it and shrugged. As he was stepping outside, however, he scowled.

"Looks like rain."

"What are ya, the Wicked Witch?" Fangs asked, pulling him outside, "Suck it up and let's go eat. I'm starved!"

Sweet Pea charted the ever-changing clouds with a grunt. He'd rather not walk back soaked, thank you very much, but whatever. He was hungry and a microwave dinner now seemed far less enticing than a juicy burger.

"Where at?" he asked, shoving his hands in his pockets against the slightly chilly wind that was blowing into Riverdale, foretelling colder weather to come soon enough. O'Malley's Pub. If we beg, the old grump who owns it will let us in for a bite. Maybe if we're lucky, we'll get a beer," Darkon said with a wide, excited grin.

"And pigs will fly."

They all knew the best burgers were at Pop's; a location that with age and with entrance to the Serpents was now off-limits. They'd all gotten their chance to go for birthdays as small children, back when they were pure and innocent and most people just smiled at them and their chubby cheeks. However, as they grew into 'menacing' teenagers in a gang, they'd be chased off-site if they attempted.

O'Malley's was a poor substitute, but it was the best they had.

"No Jughead?" Sweet Pea said, noting his absence-and lack of color-immediately.

"Busy. Wasn't in his trailer." Fangs shrugged, none too bothered by the lack of the newest beanie-wearing Serpent.

"Shame. He may have been able to get us to Pop's." Sweet Pea sighed. Fangs pouted, having not thought of that.

"Damn it!" He cursed, stomping his foot, "Next time, next time. Show his worth to us, yeah?" He said with a wicked grin.

They made it to their destination and after some 'for the sake of it' back and forth haggling with the portly pub (Sweet Pea theorized of course he was going to let them in; they were paying customers. Teenagers liked to eat...a lot. Plus, this arguing was more to make him feel good than them) owner to let a murder of underage baby snakes into the pub - but only to partake in the fares offered, they crawled inside and took up residence at three tables and the entire bar.

They stayed until they'd clearly overstayed their welcome, around the time Darkon went sniffing around again trying to get someone to buy him a pint when they were shooed out but told to come back if they ever wanted to double his revenue for the night again.

They stumbled into the night, the neon of the Irish pub lighting against their gray-toned leather jackets. Sweet Pea had a feeling the color was 'green', but then again, his soulmate wasn't touching signs on the Southside, so who knew?

Prismatics (Sweet Pea x Betty)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें