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It was a normal resturant day and for bob by normal i mean there was barely anybody there. Jimmy Pesto had walked into the resturant to brag about the long line outside, "what do you want Jimmy..." bob says in his usual monotone voice "oh, hey bob! that line full of people outside your resturant is really long!" "get it?! hes saying that because there is no line!" "i think he gets it you dont have to explain." "yea but... nvm." suddenly some random guy walks in and starts talking smack about bob and his resturant bob was about to say something but Jimmy pesto cut him off "hey shut up! only i get to talk about bob that way" bob was kind of annoyed about what jimmy had said but glad he stood up for him "go on leave!" "man those assholes i mean who do they think they are!" jimmy mutters under his breath "thanks jimmy you didnt have to do that" "do what i was just driving a customer away from your resturant!" bob rolled his eyes "well i gotta get going dont wanna keep the customers waiting" Jimmy chuckles to himself, bob just gives him the dead eye, jimmy notices this and is quick to leave. <jimmy was looking really cute today> bob thinks to himself, although he hated to admit it, everything that he was thinking was true, <eh whatever these feelings will go away soon, will they??>... jimmy pesto started coming into bobs resturant more often just to see bob, and the feelings bob had for him wouldnt go away no matter how much he wanted them to. once when jimmy pesto came into the resturant tina was working a shift with bob and saw the way that bob look at jimmy and instantly knew how Bob felt about Jimmy. After jimmy left Tina and Bob went to the kitchen to make teddy a burger and tina finally spoke up breaking the awkward silence "you like him dont you?" "Like who? TEDDY???" Bob asks confused "No! Jimmy!" "Ew no...." Bob lies "you don't have to lie" "fine... I do... but I don't know what to do" "I think you should just tell him" "I agree with tina bobby" "teddy how long have you been listening?" "Since the beginning, im sitting right infront of you..."(just to clarify bob and Linda divorced like two years before this because bob found out he was gay but nobody else knows except for the family plus teddy also Linda still lives with them bur she has her own room also bob and Linda are besties) "awh this is so cute my little Bobby's got a little crush!" Linda says "yea it's so cute" "it's eh" gene and Louise say "were you guys listening this whole time!?" "Maybe..." "LIN" "ok fine yes, yes we were all listening" "omg I'm screwed DONT TELL ANYONE" suddenly jimmy walks in "don't tell anyone what?" Everybody just looks at him. Tina just leaves and goes back to the apartment cause she knows she can't keep secrets, gene went back to playing with his instrument that he made out of a napkin holder, rubber bands, and some plastic spoons, "bo-" teddy started to say but bob shoved a burger in his mouth "what did I say something? Is there something on my face?" bob chuckles awkwardly (timeskip cause i dont know how to save bob out of this situation) its nearly midnight and bob cant sleep but out of no where he hears the doorbell <who would be at the door at midnight?> bob thought to himself, he opened the door and to his suprise it was jimmy! "jimmy wtf are you doing here its raining" "im sorry i didnt know where to go" jimmy was kind of tearing up but bob didnt notice because of the rain "you live across the stree- you know what never mind just get inside, its raining your gonna catch a cold" jimmy walks in and bob gives jimmy a towel "thanks bob..." " so what happened?" "me and trev got in a fight" "wdym i thought trev was just your...oh........"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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