Chapter 12

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I'll Get Help

Diane's POV:

I'd gone too far this time. Yes I was mad at her but I never meant to put her or the baby in harms way. Here I sat in the waiting room waiting for my baby to get out of surgery. I'd already decided that if it came down to it, I'd choose Y/n over the baby. I just hoped and prayed that it wouldn't happen. I couldn't loose either one of them.

It's been hours since we got here. Tears stained my face as they flowed nonstop. Nerves took over as my leg bounced up and down rapidly. Sitting around quickly became tiring so I started to pace around anxiously. Time was moving as slow as a snail making me almost panic. She should be out by now!

"Diane Sherman." I heard my name being called from behind me. I quickly turn around wiping my face before coming face to face with the doctor. The doctor had an unreadable expression on his face. "What is it? Is she okay?!" I ask anxious for answers. "She's extremely dehydrated and is losing a lot of blood. It's becoming increasingly difficult to keep the baby and her alive. I hate to put you in this position, but I need you to pick who we save," He explains with an empathetic look on his face.

My heart breaks into a million pieces. I break down into tears while finding a seat. Of course I'm choosing Y/n, but now my nightmare is my reality. I wanted us to be a happy family, grow old and happy together with grandchildren. "Y/n. I choose Y/n," I whisper out between sobs. He nods before patting my shoulder and walking away.

I bring my legs to my chest before sobbing loudly. Thank God I was the only one here.

I couldn't imagine how Y/n would feel after she finds out. We lost our little love.

Y/n's been out of surgery for almost three hours now and still hasn't woken up. I sat beside her bed holding her hand, impatiently waiting for her to wake up. I caressed her face while whispering reassuring affirmations. I wanted her to know it was all gonna be okay.

Her eyes slowly open and my sad expression flips. "D-Diane?" She whispers out. Her voice was horse and weak. "I'm here baby, I'm right here," I assure her. "Y/n..," I say hesitantly. My eyes drop to the floor. I wasn't strong enough to tell her, but I had to. "T-the baby. She's gone," I cry out. It felt more real now that I said it out loud.

Her eyes look down on her stomach to see it flat. Tears don't come flowing from her eyes like I thought they would. She looks like she's stuck between happiness and numbness. My eyebrows furrow in confusion at her reaction. "Y/n? Baby?" I question. She looks up at me, tears brimming in her eyes with a slight grin.

"We just lost our baby aren't you gonna say something?" I ask desperately for something. "What is there to say Diane?" She snaps. I couldn't get over the slight smile on her face. Did she want this? No, she couldn't have, she was just as excited as I was. "We just lost our baby Y/n! What do you mean there isn't anything to say?" I scream out. I let go of her hand before pacing around the room.

"What have I done that makes you act like this? I've given you everything Y/n!" I yell out in frustration. I know I went too far these past few days, but it was only because of her behavior. She used to be my good girl.

She ignores my question and just stares straight ahead, ignoring my existence completely. That flips a switch in me almost immediately. "Y/n, baby. I'm so sorry. I'm so freaking sorry. I didn't mean to go this far!" I cry out while rushing over to her side. Still nothing. Not a word from her. A tear slides down her face before I quickly wipe it.

"I promise I won't do it again. I'll even get help, just for you baby. Just please don't leave me." I sob into her chest. Her eyes shoot up at me. "Do you promise?" She whispers out, hesitance evident in her voice. My eyes meet hers. "I swear I will baby. Anything for you."

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