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Even with the slight scare in the beginning, getting in was way easier than they previously thought before. No one suspected a thing as a woman led both Lynn and Eggsy inside the bunker.

Looking around, it felt like a maze. Most of it was repetitive and felt like it would last forever, corners looking the exact same, every hall having the same amount of doors in the same order. It was very confusing, but she took as best note as she could. 

Finally, after what felt like forever, they were in the main part of the bunker where everyone else was. Lynn is surprised at the amount of people who were there even though she was aware of how famous Valentine was, she just didn't expect for so many people to fall for what was so obviously evil.

"Eggsy, find a laptop, get me online," Merlin says through their glasses. "Lynn, you stand guard. Both of you, remember to blend in."

"Would either of you care for a drink?" A waiter, or what Lynn assumes to be one, asks.

Eggsy clears his throat before speaking up. "Martini. Gin, not Vodka, obviously, stirred for 10 seconds while glancing at an unopened bottle of Vermouth."

"And for you, miss?"

Lynn hums. "I'll take a jack and coke, please. Thank you."

The waiter nods before walking off to make their drinks. "Jack and coke, yeah? Didn't know you were stealing my drink now," Eggsy says with a smirk.

"Get off your high horse, I just wanted to try it, luv," Lynn says as the waiter walks towards them with their drinks. "Thank you."

They both take sips of their drinks, Lynn going back for another sip on hers as Eggsy looks around. "Merlin, you clocking this?"

"Yes, I am, stay focused."

Lynn looks around and squints. "Up there, the Swedish Prime Minister has a laptop. Go."

Eggsy nods as he leans over and places a kiss on the side of her face, she guesses to fit in, before walking off. She walks around a bit, examining all the faces, seeing if it was any she recognized before taking another sip from her drink. She turns back around and watches as Eggsy charms the Swedish Prime Minister, talking up a storm. Lynn shakes her head before looking around again. 

After a few minutes, over her glasses, she hears it.

"Eggsy, I'm in. Both of you, get your arses back to the plane, now," Merlin says.

"On my way," Eggsy says. Lynn sets down her drink as she walks closer to the entry, trying to not look suspicious. Right before she loses sight of Eggsy, though, she sees someone sneaking up on him, someone familiar.

"Eggs, watch—"

"Nice and slow," She hears through her glasses. It was Charlie's voice, and apparently he was back for revenge.

She sees Eggsy clench his jaw. "Fuck're you doing here?" 

"Well, my family were invited, obviously," Charlie says, scoffing. "Now get the fuck up, slowly."

Lynn watches as Eggsy does what he says, standing up slowly with his hands slightly up. "Valentine! I've caught a fucking spy!" 

"Shit, shit shit," Lynn says as she looks around anxiously. 

She watches as Eggsy looks over at Charlie before punching him square in the face and using the railing to jump from where he was, landing harshly before scrambling to his feet and running for it. "Lancelot! Come on!" He says as he grabs her hand and practically pulls her out of her state of shock as she runs with him, letting go of his hand.

"Take a left, there's two guards ahead," Merlin says as they both follow along.

They proceed to shoot and run, trying their best to not stop so they wouldn't be hit by any bullets. But even with this effort, even though all the chaos, even with Lynn being cautious as she fought back, she was still hit by a bullet.

It hurt so bad, she could almost scream in the middle of the fight. Luckily, it only hit her hand. Unfortunately, it had hit her dominant one. Everytime her hand moved even an inch, waves of pain hit her. She wanted to break down and sob, but she kept fighting.

Luckily they were able to wipe out all of the guards that came their way, even with some pain. The two of them run back towards the plane together. "Nice! Well done, all three of you!" Merlin says.

"Yes! Nice job, Rox, I told you!" Lynn says, trying to cover up any pain in her voice. 

After, again, what feels like an eternity, they finally make it back around. A few guards stand watching Merlin as he talks to them, as a distraction. Eggsy raises his gun to shoot before realizing it was empty. "Lancelot!"

In a flash, Lynn raises her gun and shoots the remaining guards before the two of them run towards the plane before climbing in. "Let's get the fuck out of here!" Eggsy says, out of breath. 

"We can't," Merlin says. "I can't get into Valentine's machine. He's got biometric security, so you're gonna have to get in there and make sure his hand never touches that desk."

"Are you taking the fucking piss?"

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