Miles gamely joined in, adding a touch of exaggeration. "HeyYy.Yy."

Their shared laughter filled the air, Aaron giving him a good-natured nudge. "You sure you're my nephew, man?"

Miles' phone vibrated. He took it out, looking at the notification, his mood immediately dampening.

Done with that homework?

"Is that her?" Aaron's voice chimed in from the background.

Miles' response was quiet, almost contemplative. "I should probably head out. Still got a paper to do tonight."

Aaron's gaze shifted from Miles to his scattered sketches on the pad, a sly smile forming. He changed the topic smoothly but with intent. "Hey, you've been keepin' this from me?" He reached for the sketchbook, examining the drawings with interest. "You throw these up yet?"

He quickly interjected, his tone rueful. "Nah, man. You know my dad. I can't."

His uncle got to his feet, a determined glint in his eye. "C'mon. I got a spot you ain't gonna believe."


The wind ruffled her mask as she glided through the urban expanse of Brooklyn. Beside her, her father effortlessly performed his own aerial tricks. Letting out a whoop of delight, she reveled in the adrenaline rush that always accompanied her swinging escapades.

As they continued their dynamic dance through the air, Spider-Man casually brought up the topic. "So, how's school, kid?" he shouted through his mask, his words riding the currents of wind that surrounded them.

"It was everything how a first day of school should be! Tiring as hell!" she retorted, pressing her fingers against her palm and shot webs at the top of the building, pulling her entire weight with her. "The only class I had with Miles was Literature! That sucks!" she complained loudly, casually swinging upside down with her foot attached on the web. "But I did what you told me to! I freaking aced that physics quiz!"

"A quiz on the first day? Wow, that school is the best– hey, a thief."

They spotted a man on the verge of snatching a purse from an elderly lady. One swift move, and the purse was in the clutches of the fleeing thief, who darted toward an alley with unwavering speed. The two spider-people jumped down and began apprehending the man, but he had friends. Friends who carried firearms and they were not afraid to use them. It's about to get real messy.

Spider-Man threw a punch at the first guy, quickly webbing his gun to the nearby wall. "What's the problem about?" He asked.

The other spider-person smoothly crouched down and expertly swiped another man's feet, causing him to tumble to the ground. With a hint of playful pride, she shouted, "Just your typical magnetohydrodynamics!"

"What the hell are you saying?!" The third thief yelled out, confusion in his features. Spider-Lily produced a web from her wrist and onto the guy's mouth, silencing him.

"Shh. I'm speaking."

"That's easy," Spider-Man commented on the physics topic, webbing the two guys against the wall.

"And guess who wrote the answer on the board? Better give a gold star to this spider over here!" She pointed at herself, smug in her tone. She picked up the blue purse and dusted it clean while Spider-Man webbed the last guy before calling the cops.

Lily managed to find the old woman and assisted her the best she could before the two swung out of the scene.

After about 2 hours, Spider-Man suggested they take a break, casually landing on the flat roof of an apartment complex. With the city's crime rate low, they decided to lounge around for a bit, not wanting to overwork Spider-Lily right after school.

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