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kageyamas pov :

~After 5 mins i heard a knock on my door i raced downstairs knowing it was my loyal cousin Kiyoko-san ~  I opened the door and for some reason she showed me things called pads i didnt know what they were used for .... like for your knees or something? when she showed me what they were for i knew what i was on a girls thing called a peroid right...? its just a part of a woman's life i guess i just got unlucky and got it today... but when i saw  i was a girl  i kind of got excited but just freaked out at the thought of becoming a woman straight away i have always loved crossdressing and the thought of being a woman i hated being a man its just so... Boring for me but it well may be that's its not for other men but soon enough i had realised i had been starring into space all this time until kiyoko snapped me back to reality .

After figuring out about what to do with me we came to a conclusion that i had to go into miwa-nee's room to find a bra and some panties just incase i found i wanted to be a woman after we found the culpret who did this to me and as i already did crossdressing i had both the karasuno girls uniform and  the girls volleyball  kit . Kiyoko always knew i had loved acting female and i loved the idea of it :) just when we go back to the club i hope the others find out but...... im scared of rejection and unacceptance . Kiyoko tried to reassure me everything will be fine but i have my doubts you know? So once i had gotten changed and packed the uniform i came downstairs to where kiyoko had already made breakfast and was waiting next to the door.


'' Haha thank you kiyoko i love it too should we be on our way?'' i replied shyly.

''OHHH YEAH.... sorry about that got a little bit jealous and excited..sos.'' she immediately responded back.

'' no worries , lets head out then.'' i chuckled a bit under my breath as i  grabbed the fresh onigiri she had made for me and followed her out the door  to her car (yes kiyoko has a car in this she is a 3rd year  and 17 i mean why not!? ;0 ) .

Whilst on our way there, i had started to eat my onigri she had made whilst kiyoko  swarmed me with questions  but before i could answer just atleast one we were already there . I started overthinking things whilst kiyoko panicked and tried to calm me down . she succeded thankfully. As we walked into the school boys stared  and girls admired kageyama's beauty whilst some envied her.  As they were walking they got closer and closer towards the gym whilst kageyama got more and more nervous . They arrived. Kiyoko walked in the gym whilst i stayed peeking behind the door. She told me to come in but i was wayy nervous but she kept forcing me to come in so i crept in behind her . Once she gathered all the attention of the boys (Tanaka and Nishinoya were the first to listen obviii ) . 

'' alright guys listen up!''

everyone= ''hai''

'' Kageyama has something to show you just dont go over the roof alright...''

everyone = ''Hai ! but whats so important?

'' Kageyama would you come in now please :)''

'' alright...'' i said in a soft tone.

'' ok guys please dont judge her...'' kiyoko said ..

everyone= ''her?...oh..hai!?''

As i walked in everyones face went red all their mouths were wide open eyes bulging out of their sockets  all in shock of the sight of the beautiful lady that stood before them even prettier thank kiyoko..

''hi...'' kageyama whispered.

''guys meet kageyama! yes yes! hes a girl but he woke up like it, we dont know how long it will last, it might even be permanent for all we know. Please be respectful to her'' kiyoko lets out as she glares and tanaka and nishinoya at the last part of her sentence .

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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