[02] We Meet Again

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It've been days since you met the princes. You were afraid you would mess up. You kept overthinking; if i mess up, they're gonna execute me!

Yeah, they have the power to. But it's fine, they're your friends afterall.

Let's catch up, shall we?

So, the princes had some crisis about vegetables price or something. And they travelled a LOT, just too find another supplier or vegetable shits like that.

You didn't do anything, since you weren't apart of the council. You knew you had to back away. The student council looked so busy and serious.

On the other hand, you could focus on your classes. You felt sastified with this achievement. But you have to share this happiness with someone, so you decided to write a letter to your mother and brother.

You have to update them about your life, or else they would be worried sick.

It was recess, and you definitely need some food to fill your stomach. You only had bread for breakfast, which isn't really fullfilling. The food at cafeteria was expensive, but you don't know where else to buy foods.

You looked over at the people who came out to the classroom. Suprising enough, Alexis and the other princes already left you.

You didn't blame them, though. They already told you beforehand that they had to leave for council meeting. You also heard Felix saying..

‘It's okay, Y/N! We'll invite you to the council room some time!’

Is that allowed? You sweat. He probably was just blabbering, since he really isn't the brightest prince... in mind.

You walked to the cafeteria, it was big. And there were many people. You knew that the princes don't eat at the cafeteria, instead they eat at a fancy restaurant instead.

They invited you once, but you rejected. They were so dissapointed. But you had your own reasonings! It was too expensive and out of your budget.

You looked at the cafeteria's menu.

Holy shit. 23 dollars for a fried rice? What did they put there? A gold?

You frowned, it smelt so good. But it was too expensive. Maybe you had to save your money instead of buying expensive foods.

You just stared at the menu, looking depressed. It looked like a mushroom could grow on your head in any second.

You were out of your world. You would flinch at the slightest touch, and you did.

Looking behind you, there was the two strangers who helped you days ago. The grey haired and the icey! (You made a nickname for them.)

You smiled awkwardly, and you noticed how they had the same uniform as you did. Your eyes widened, shocked.

Oh no, didn't they already knew?! It's a trouble if they don't keep their mouth SHUT!

It was awkward silence between the three of you. The tall grey haired just smiled awkwardly while sweating, while his friend just remained stoic. How could he be so emotionless all the time?

Then, someone broke the silence. “Are you alright? You've been staring at the menu for a while now..” the grey haired guy noticed this whole time.

That was embarassing, of course you wouldn't give yourself away! “Yeah, uhm. It's just I was trying to look at where the drinks are haha!”

You laughed awkwardly, and you looked towards the tall men. He was looking at you awkwardly TOO. He was smiling and sweating.

Oh, you cringe internally!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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