Chapter 24 - The Demon King

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The sound of clashing swords resonated intensely, filling the environment with its metallic reverberation. The masked man broke the silence, his words laden with an enigmatic and familiar tone.

"I know you recognize these sword moves, it's nostalgic, isn't it?" the masked man said, provoking a wave of memories within Hiro.

Hiro, with a mixture of anger and suspicion, responded firmly, "How do you know these moves? This is a style my father created! If you're using these moves, you know about my father! What have you done with him?"

The masked man responded with an enigmatic laughter that echoed through the air, fueling Hiro's irritation even further: "AHAHAHAHAHA."

Determined to get answers, Hiro intensified his attacks, his sword slicing through the air with overwhelming force. "You're going to tell me, whether you like it or not," he declared with determination.

In a striking move, Hiro landed a direct blow on the masked man's mask, causing it to shatter and fall to the ground. The man's face was exposed, and upon seeing that familiar figure, Hiro was momentarily paralyzed by a shock.

The masked man brought his hand to his face while laughing, revealing a surprising and painful truth. Hiro couldn't believe what he was seeing and hearing. His sword slipped from his hand, and he fell to his knees on the ground, as if the world had collapsed around him.

The familiar voice of the masked man broke the silence, uttering his name: "Hello, Hiro, thank you for bringing what your father lacked." With slow and deliberate steps, Takeshi approached, picking up the remaining stones and Skyfall, carrying them to a nearby altar.

Hiro remained paralyzed, his thoughts in turmoil, as Takeshi continued his action. The shocking revelation about the identity of the masked man, his own father, left Hiro in a state of bewilderment and disbelief. Everything he believed to be true was now in question, and the reality before his eyes was more complex and painful than he had ever imagined.

Hikari's battle continued, as she channeled her ice magic impressively. She raised her hands, forming crystals of ice that gleamed with a bluish light. With a fluid motion, she launched the crystals toward the soldier in the black robe, who tried to dodge the sharp projectiles.

The ice crystals hit the ground and exploded into shining shards, creating a shower of frozen fragments that seemed to dance through the air. Hikari skillfully controlled the crystals, making them spin and collide in intricate patterns. The opposing soldier struggled to evade, but some shards hit him, covering him in a thin layer of ice.

Seizing the opportunity, Hikari concentrated her ice magic around her, forming a solid ice shield that enveloped her. She advanced with determination, her magical sword cutting through the air as she lunged at the enemy. Each blow Hikari struck was reinforced by the ice magic, leaving a trail of frozen crystals in her wake.

The soldier in the black robe attempted to resist, but the combination of Hikari's physical and magical attacks was proving overwhelming. The ice spread across the ground as Hikari continued to press her adversary, her magical and combat skills merging into a harmonious dance.

With a final move, Hikari concentrated her ice magic into her sword, creating a sharp blade of pure ice. She advanced with speed and precision, delivering a final blow that cut through the enemy's defenses. A burst of brilliant ice erupted as Hikari's sword struck its target, engulfing the soldier in the black robe in a sparkling storm of ice.

The soldier fell to his knees, his frozen form collapsing into shining crystals that dispersed into the air. Hikari lowered her sword, taking a deep breath as the ice around her began to melt. Her eyes reflected a mixture of exhaustion and triumph, knowing that her ice magic had been crucial in overcoming the challenge before her.

In Ace's battle, the soldier in the black robe launched quick and precise strikes with his gauntlet, trying to hit Ace before he could react. However, Ace's enhanced agility and reflexes allowed him to dodge the attacks and counter with sharp claws. He moved fluidly, using his speed to evade the enemy's assaults.

In a swift motion, Ace leaped into the air and delivered a powerful downward strike with his claws. The soldier managed to partially block the attack with his gauntlet, but Ace's strength was overwhelming. The impact caused the ground to tremble, and a wave of magical energy spread through the area.

The soldier was pushed back, his surprised expression showing that he hadn't expected the ferocity of Ace's counterattack. However, he quickly recovered and retaliated with a series of rapid and furious strikes. Ace used his agility to dodge the attacks, but couldn't avoid all of them, receiving superficial cuts in his red form.

Determined to end the fight, Ace focused his magical energy and released a powerful roar. Red flames engulfed his body, intensifying his strength and agility. With a swift movement, he lunged at the soldier, his claws now wreathed in flames.

Ace's attack was relentless, cutting through the enemy's defenses and striking him head-on. The flames spread across the soldier's body, engulfing him in searing heat. He screamed in agony as the flames consumed his form, until he finally collapsed to the ground, turning into ashes and smoke.

Ace stepped back, his flames slowly diminishing until they disappeared completely. He reverted to his original form, panting but with a satisfied expression. The battle had been tough, but he had prevailed. Looking around, he saw that Hikari had also triumphed against her opponent.

With their hearts racing after their own battles, Hikari and Ace hurriedly ran toward Hiro, who remained paralyzed. Worried, Hikari asked, "What happened, Hiro?"

As tears slowly streamed down Hiro's face, he raised his trembling arm and pointed toward Takeshi. With a choked voice, he whispered, "That's my father..."

Hikari and Ace directed their surprised gazes at Takeshi, whose identity was now revealed. Emotions fluctuated in the air as Hiro unveiled this shocking truth. However, anger quickly took over Hikari, her voice echoing with fury: "Do you know how much he searched for you and fought for you?!" With a harsh gesture, Hikari tore open Hiro's shirt, exposing all the scars that marked his body as silent witnesses of his battles and trials. "See this?! These are all the times he needed you, and you weren't there!"

A peculiar moment of weakness passed through Takeshi, his body staggering as if struck by an invisible impact. The truth spoken by Hikari struck deep into his consciousness.

However, Takeshi only laughed, scoffing at Hikari's words as he placed the stones and the sword on the altar with a disturbing calm. The magical energy of the battle had left Hikari and Ace exhausted, unable to launch an effective attack against Takeshi.

With a dark tone, Takeshi began a grim explanation: "Do you know why this sword is called Skyfall? It has the ability to make the very sky fall. And for the birth of the Demon King, who will be me, the sky must fall upon this altar."

Takeshi's words ignited an incandescent fury within Hikari. She cast a spell in a desperate attempt to stop him, but her energies were depleted. Ace, also weakened, couldn't offer assistance.

Takeshi remained unfazed, mocking the situation. "Who else can aspire to, if not supreme power?" His voice echoed as he began to recite ancient words in a dark language, a sinister ritual taking shape.

The eyes of Hiro, Hikari, and Ace widened as Takeshi raised the statue to the castle's ceiling, his words reverberating like a distant echo: "Accept this offering!"

A profound tremor shook the castle, and in an instant, the ceiling seemed to evaporate, revealing a black and unforgiving sky. A brilliant and dazzling light, like a comet, fell from the celestial void onto Takeshi, illuminating the castle with an almost divine radiance. Hiro, Hikari, and Ace could hardly bear to look at the dazzling brilliance.

As the intensity of the light finally diminished, the three looked in astonishment at Takeshi, whose transformation was more terrible than they could have ever imagined. His body was now covered in a red aura, wings extended majestically from his back, and two horns adorned his forehead. Takeshi's demonic countenance was a terrifying sight that echoed the manifestation of his new dark power.

Did they manage to defeat the Demon King and save the world?

The Journey of the Illusory SwordsmanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang