Chapter 17 - Hi

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The next morning, the sunlight bathed the campsite, accompanied by the sweet songs of birds and the gentle sound of fish jumping in the lake. With a smile on her face, Hikari woke up and exclaimed, "Well, let's hit the road!" And so they did, setting off on their journey in the days to come, with some strategic stops to rest, eat, and tend to Hiro's wounds.

During the nights, they gathered around the campfire, sharing stories, laughter, and dreams. Each member of the group had a unique tale to tell, and in doing so, they learned from one another and found strength in their unity.

After leaving the sanctuary, Hiro asked Hikari, "Are we still far from reaching our destination?"

Hikari, with a smile on her face, replied, "I believe we'll arrive today itself. Hi is an incredible city, renowned for its constant sunlight."

With the carriage guiding them, the group continued towards Hi, eager to explore the city where the sun never set. The path was filled with magnificent landscapes, and the daylight illuminated every detail, creating a magical and welcoming atmosphere.

As they approached the city, they could see the tall towers and opulent buildings that characterized Hi. It was an impressive sight, and everyone was awestruck by the beauty of the place.

Finally, at dusk, they crossed the gates of Hi. The city bustled with the movement of people and commerce. The vibrant colors of the buildings contrasted with the blue sky, and flowers adorned the streets.

Hiro, Hikari, King, and Ace stepped down from the carriage and began to explore the city. They walked through the busy streets, marveling at the culture and unique architecture of Hi.

As they ventured through the city, they noticed that the sunlight didn't diminish, and Hiro asked aloud, "Will the sun not even decrease a bit? It was almost nighttime when we arrived, and now it seems like morning again..."

A citizen of Hi, upon hearing Hiro's words, intervened with a drawn-out voice and a look of admiration, "The city of Hi has been like this ever since the God of our city descended from the heavens! It was a magical moment for everyone in the city."

The group was fascinated by this revelation. Learning about the divine intervention that made Hi a city forever bathed in sunlight added to the aura of mystery surrounding the place.

Curious, they inquired further about the God of the city and the history of Hi. The citizen, happy to share his culture and traditions, told them about the myths and legends surrounding the city's origins.

According to the legend, Hi was initially a small village hidden deep within a forest. For centuries, the villagers lived in harmony with nature and the beings that inhabited the forest.

One day, a divine being known as the God of the Sun descended from the heavens and visited the village. Their presence brought a bright and warm light that illuminated the entire region. The God of the Sun blessed the village with their light and promised to protect it always, as long as the inhabitants cared for the balance between nature and the city.

Thus, Hi became a unique city, where the sun never set, and the residents lived in perfect communion with the divine light and energy of the God of the Sun. The city thrived and became a center of knowledge, culture, and commerce.

Hiro and his friends listened to the story with fascination, feeling even more drawn to the mystery and magic of Hi. They thanked the kind citizen for the information and continued exploring the city, marveling at each detail and the feeling of being in a truly special place.

After the citizen departed, Hiro and his companions looked more closely at the people around them, curious about the God of the Sun who had blessed the city of Hi. As they observed, they noticed that every person, without exception, seemed tired and exhausted due to the constant light bathing the city. Some had deep dark circles under their eyes and moved slowly.

The Journey of the Illusory SwordsmanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora