Chapter One

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I took the straightener to my hair, trying to tame the unruly curls, though it wasn't an easy task. In fact, I wouldn't be getting ready if Matt hadn't called me and invited me over for a barbecue; that meant seeing him. How could I see him when I'm not quite over him? Would I break down? Will he notice me? I'm sure he wouldn't because he had someone else now. That thought sent a tinge of pain to shoot through my heart and to cause my eyes to water. In my head I was fighting with the tears, willing them not to come and ruin my make up; I had already shed enough tears over him. I wasn't going to let him get the best of me. I concentrated on straightening my hair and finally finished the mass of hair now tame. It was than I began to focus on my make up, in the middle of putting my eyeliner on, my cell began to ring; the sound making me jump and causing a line of eyeliner to appear on my cheek.

"Fuck!" I cursed out and stalked to my phone and flipping it open, violently, "What?"

"Damn, somebody ate a bowl of bitch this morning," Zacky commented to the greeting I gave him.

I took a deep breath and calmed myself down, "Sorry, Zee. I was doing my make up and had a little mishap when my phone rang."

His laugh ran through the phone, causing my cheeks to redden and my palms to sweat. Yeah, I was a little uncomfortable with people laughing at me. I bit my lip and waited for him to calm down, wondering why he called me.

"Sorry," he told me.

"For what?"

"For laughing and scaring you. I know how you feel about it, but I just couldn't help it," he told me, speaking fast.

"It's okay, Zee. I can never stay mad at you. Anyway, why did you call?"

"Oh! Matt asked me to pick you up for the barbecue, since I'm on my way to the store. I was wondering if there was any special alcohol you'd like to drink."
"You know me, Zee. I'll drink whatever I can get my hands on," I chuckled, thinking that he was sweet for calling me and asking what I wanted.

"I know, but I wanted to make sure."

"Awwwh, Zee. So sweet," I cooed into the phone and I laughed as he told me to shut it; telling me he'd be there soon after.

I hung up, after saying goodbye, and threw my phone on my bed. Luka lifted his head from the pillow and looked at me with his light, blue eyes; his tail thumping against the bed as he looked at me.

"What boy?"

His tail began to beat faster against the bed as just laid there, one of the laziest dogs ever. I couldn't help but chuckle and pat his head, before going back into the bathroom and fixing my make up; looking so much better after it was done. I even felt like a million dollars and I was hoping that this would get Syn's attention and maybe make him see what he is missing, though I highly doubted it. He was so sucked up with Michelle that he has forgotten about me, it's like I became part of the background and that hurt, I will admit that. I loved him, fuck it, I still love him and it hurt. Every time I saw him and her, I wanted to jump her and yank out her bottle, blond hair and smash in her overly, large nose. It would make her face look better. If you couldn't tell I was bitter but I had a reason to be.

I was thrown out of my thoughts when the doorbell rang, Luka dashing to the door and barking. The malamute's tail wagging in quick successions, causing me to chuckle as I walked to the door. I knew who it was and I took my sweat time and I could tell he was getting impatient, the doorbell going off over and over again. I bet he was standing out there his finger resting on the button as he shifted from foot to foot; that boy never had any patience.

"What, Zacky?!" I exclaimed as I threw open the door, startling the poor man.

His eyes were wide as he had jumped from his spot, almost toppling down the stairs; my hand stopping him before he could. I couldn't help but laugh and clutch at my sides, because his face was priceless; though he was glaring at me right now. I gave him an innocent look, throwing in the big puppy dog eyes that usually got the guys to do anything. Just like right now. I could see Zacky's anger fade from his face as he wrapped his colorful arms around me and hugged me tightly, the air rushing out of my lungs.

"Zacky," I gasped, "can't breath!"

He let me go and chuckled, "That was payback!"

I gave him a playful glare and laughed, grabbing Luka's leash and hooking it to his collar; a tradition of mine. I always brought him with me when I went to Matt's because Bella and him got along, it was like she always expected him to be with me; when he didn't, she would mope. I thought it was so cute and it made me smile, dogs were such complex creatures and some people didn't understand that. That is why I got a dog, it was because they are so much like us and are man's best friend. Luka was mine, Brian had gave him to me for a birthday present; knowing that I have always wanted a malamute.

"Ready to go?" Zacky asked me, breaking me away from my thoughts.

I nodded my head and walked out of the door, turning around so I could lock it. Once it was locked I opened the back door and patted the seat, Luka jumping up into the car. He loved his car rides and you could tell as his tail continued to wag, causing me to laugh and shut the door. I got into the passenger side and buckled up, Zacky starting his SUV and pulling out of my driveway.

Was I ready to see him again? I asked myself. I didn't know if I was, all I knew was that I was going to see him and I needed to be strong.

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