ChanCheol -> Be there for you

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" If my language is ever inappropriate at home it's going to backfire. Why do you want to be there for me ? "

" You just have to not mix home and school, you'll see it's simple. And I guess everyone has the right to be happy, so I hope helping you will make you happy. "

Seungcheol smiled gently, and that's how a new friendship is made.

...A few months later...

Seungcheol's speech has improved a lot now, and is much more pleasant to Chan's ears. Of course, the older boy isn't crazy: once his mother comes to pick him up, he's back to his old self and perfectly dressed.

But once he's in the school, instead of giving in to everyone, he's learned to say no. He sticks to Chan and his gang of friends, and he finally feels like he has friends too, which is really good for him. To compensate, Seungcheol gives lessons to his younger brother, and this friendship is a give-and-take, which is what the boys were looking for. Well, no, first Chan really wanted to get to know Seungcheol and help him feel better, so understanding his lessons better was just a bonus.

All this to say that our two young men are currently together on the roof of the school as usual, talking about anything and everything to their heart's content.

" Hey, you know my mother prefers you to me, I think that's shameful." Chan says with a slight pout on his face.

" I'm the perfect child, you see, but you, well, that's that. " Seungcheol retorts, judging his younger brother.

Chan laughs softly, then comes over to tickle his friend's ribs, the latter laughing out loud before lying down on the floor and struggling in vain. Why in vain ? Because Chan came and stood over him to continue his tickling.
It's only a few minutes later that the cadet realizes that their position is awkward, so he stops.
Seungcheol catches his breath and straightens up, and just like that, the two friends' faces are now facing each other, their gazes locked. Chan clearly wants to close the gap between their mouths, but he doesn't know how Seungcheol will react, so he does nothing.

" You know she also told me she'd dream of having you as a son-in-law." Says Chan

" You can tell her that her dreams will come true. "

Just like that, the eldest takes the nape of his youngest's neck in his right hand and draws his youngest even closer against him, the gap now closed that is, their lips have obviously met. To say that they enjoy touching is an understatement; it's more than that, it's an explosion of indescribable emotions.
The two boys are literally in heaven.

The exchange takes place, gentle, slow and passionate, something both boys have been dreaming of for a long time, but neither could quite make the leap, so now that the line has been crossed, there's nothing holding them back.
It's only after several minutes that the two boys breathlessly separate from each other.

" I can't thank you enough for coming to me that day. " Seungcheol says, his eyes shining with sincerity.

" I'll always be there for you, because you're more precious than the stars in the night sky. "

" That's really beautiful. "

" Let's make our duo go far."

" I promise. "

To seal this pact, the two boys do as they did when they first met : shake hands.
They both know that nothing and no one can break the bond between them, because they'll always be there for each other.

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

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