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What is wrong with me?
Am I not enough?
What am I lacking at?
Those questions I always asked my self and no answers were given.

Now, Here you are again.
You gave my heart so much pain.
I'm so fed up on facing you,
Maybe life is so cruel to me 'cause I met you.

Hey, negative things consume my mind,
I want it to set aside but how much I tried--
I feel like crying 'cause life's not kind.
I hope this day passed by and hoping my purpose I'll find.

What should I feel now?
Here I am again, feeling numb
I am sure I wasn't dumb
But I feel stupid and place in a tomb.

This rejections that I met,
I believe it's a redirection of where should I end.
I've lost count of the amount times I've rejected
But despite pain, I'm hoping for better opportunity to be appeared with tenderhearted.

I tried my best that it wasn't enough,
But through that I feel like I'm tough.
Life will favor us at the right time,
Take it as your experience for the meantime.


Though I was rejected again, it wasn't stop me to look ahead for a better opportunity that I can have.

PS: Life will get better. Don't stop searching! I love you! Ajo! You can do it. I believe in you!

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