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You are very precious to me,
You are like my diary,
I like ranting to you freely,
I am not crazy but let me share you a story

You look like ordinary and plain,
You are the one that listen to all my complain,
You don't even match my curtain
But I love the way how you're so gentle and genuine

You seen all my emotions I've been through,
Happiness, Pain, Sorrow loneliness, and achievements too,
When I am happy you are there,
I may squeeze you like a bear
But don't think too much,
I just want you to feel my touch.

Yes, how lucky I am to have you,
A soft thing in my bedroom that  I grown into,
I'm sorry if sometimes I punch you when I'm angry,
I'm sorry if sometimes I bite you like I'm hungry

I'm sorry if I make you wet during the night
Maybe I have a hard time or maybe I got into a fight
You are the thing that heard my grief
I just want to release this emotion and feel relieved

Thank you for joining me throughout the years
You seen me smiling, happy, sad and sometimes with tears
I know you're not going to leave me
I'll bring you with me that's what I  guarantee.


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