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A caterpillar sleeps inside it's cocoon
Waiting for it to face the life and  bloom
It's like a baby wrapped in a soft cotton blanket
Waiting her mama to get her like a winning ticket

She takes her first flight and soar high,
She spread her wings to reach the sky,
It's like a baby taking her first step
Our mama is always there to help.

Unfolds your wings gracefully,
Go somewhere else and fly freely
Your flight through life would be better
As long as you're happy with that adventure.

A butterfly lowers and rises
It depends on what to choose is,
Similar to the trend of  our life,
It has a lot of twists and turns but be sure to strive.

How it feels to have wings?
Spread them together like an elegant flitterings,
To kiss the petals of a certain flowers,
It's like tasting an independent life powers
Be aware of impending danger
Make sure to avoid stranger.


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