☆The Fight☆

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It all starts on a day after the princess had a fight with her father...

*Amelia walks into the bar and sits on a stool.*

"One second, I'll be right with you." the bartender says.

*The bartender walks over to the stool Amelia is sitting on.*

"Oh hello, I didn't expect the one and only Amelia to be here!" The bartender says.

"Hey tom, can I just get some water."

"Yeah of course, so, what brings you here? Another fight with your parents?" The bartender asks.

"This time with my dad," *Tom gives her the water* "thanks." Amelia said while sighing.

"Oh what happened, why did you guys get in a fight? If you don't mind me asking." Tom asks.

"Don't worry Tom, you're my closest friend outside the palace. But my parents made an arranged marriage and I told him that I don't want to marry him because he's just so rude and full of himself." Amelia explains.

"Aw man, that sucks, sorry." Tom says.

"No it's okay, by the way can I get another water?" Amelia asks.

"Yeah, here you go." The bartender says and passes it to her.

"So, anything interesting happeni-" Amelia gets cut off by someone bursting into the bar.

"Hey everybody! It's me!" Someone yells.

Everybody starts cheering and they sit a few chairs away from Amelia.

"Oh hey Naomi, you want your regular?" Tom asks.

"Yeah, hey long time no see Tom, How've you been?" Someone named Naomi asked.

Amelia wonders, "Why does their name sound so familiar?"

"Naomi, you were here last week, hasn't been that long, but same old, same old." Tom replies to Naomi.

"Ok anyways you were asking me something." Tom says after giving Naomi her drink.

"I don't remember, and also who is that, their name sounds very familiar?" Amelia asks.

"You really don't know who that is? She's Naomi, Naomi Amery." Tom says.

"Oh no, um Tom I've got to go bye, here's your money." Amelia says and sits up, puts her hood up and rushes out.

"Amelia wait, why did she leave so fast?" Tom questions.

"I can't believe she was there, she's never there when I'm there." Amelia says to herself.

Amelia gets back to the castle to her mother and father standing at the door.

"Ameila, where were you?" Amelia's mom asks.

"It doesn't matter, I'm home now." Amelia says still mad at her father and mother.

"Amelia." Her father says in a serious tone.

"Ugh fine, I was um walking around the park." Amelia lies and gets away with it so she walks back to her room and sits in bed reading a book. Then her mother walks in.

"Amelia, I know you don't want to get married to William but it's already arranged and you guys are going to have lunch at the cafe in 4 days to introduce yourselves, and you have 2 weeks until the wedding." Amelia's mom said.

"WAIT WHAT?!? Only two weeks? That's like when the ball is!" Amelia said in shock.

"Amelia calm down, you and William will meet up at the cafe and the wedding is the day after the ball." Amelia's mom said.

Amelia gets an idea.

"Isn't that when the pirates are sailing?" Amelia says, trying not to smirk.

"Yes, but why are you wondering about them? They are terrible, evil people." Amelia's mom says confused.

"I think I saw Naomi at the bar." Amelia said.

"Amelia. You were at the bar?" Amelia's mom asked angrily.

"Mom, I only ever go there to see my friend, and I don't drink, I only drink water." Amelia said.

"Who is your friend, it better not be one of those evil pirates!" Amelia's mom said.

"No it's the bartender, Tom, he's my friend and I go to the bar not to drink but just to hangout and talk." Amelia said.

"You better not drink! There will be serious consequences if you do!" Amelia's mom said.

"I won't mom, I promise."

Amelia's mom leaves her room and she goes back to reading until she realizes it's night so she takes a shower and gets ready for bed and sleeps. Two days later it's the day before she goes to meet William at the cafe. The day is the same as the other days but on this day in the afternoon she was walking to the bar when she saw someone sitting in the alleyway with a beer in their hand.

Chapter 2 coming soon.

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