Stared at Paris for the last time

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We are now officially on day seven, the last day. We woke up as soon as the sun rose and ate croissants, some cake and coffee to have energy and power. After we finished our breakfast we immediately ran out to finish exploring Paris on our last day. 

We first arrived at our first goal, (Musée du Louvre) Which is basically in English called The Louvre Museum. We have seen many famous paintings and statues. They were all over the place and people were staring at those beautiful paintings which make you feel the picture and understand all its story and what is it about. 

We even saw the most famous painting which is the (Mona Lisa). You know as you stare at this painting and you turn to the left you feel it's turning to the left and looking at you. And if you turn to the right you feel that it turned to the right too and is looking at you. It felt like this was not a painting, it was someone alive. This was my feeling about this painting. 

After this great time, I and Fiona had, we were really hungry from all of these paintings and statues and all of the history stories, so we had to have a snack. So we decided to eat ratatouille since it was amazing the last time we ate it. After having lunch we ran to our second target.

 Which is (arc de Triomphe) which is called in English Arch of Victory. The story of the(Arc de Triomphe) Arch of Victory is honoring those who fought and died for France during the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars, with the names of all French victories and generals inscribed on its inner and outer surfaces. Under its vault lies the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier from the First World War. 

We took some pictures and then watched the sun as it set. After we finished visiting our 2 targets, we went to have dinner so we had fish for the main dish and for dessert, we had (Tarte Tatin) which is an apple tart in English. We also found Sunset. If you remember it is the kitten we found and named Sunset. 

Then we walked beside the Eiffel Tower for the last time and we had some macaroons for the last time. We hugged Sunset for the last time. We ate some cheese for the last time. 

"We stared at Paris for the last time." 

At that moment everything we had done was for the last time. I and Fiona were so sad to leave Paris but Happy that we came and Excited since we are willing to visit again and full of joy for each second we spent together in Paris. We are willing to come back. It is not the last day as we say. It's only words but today is our first day.....

Bye Paris

Don't worry we'll be coming back soon ....

by Salsabil Munther ....... 

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