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Acap stood alone in the dimly lit principal's office, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. His heart raced with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation. The room, usually a place of authority, now held an eerie stillness that sent shivers down his spine. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something significant about this place.

His eyes fell upon the crystal resting on a table, its faint glow illuminating the room. A sense of urgency gnawed at him, compelling him to approach it. With cautious steps, he reached out, his fingers brushing against the smooth surface. The crystal reacted, its glow intensifying as if responding to his touch.

Acap's breath caught as he tried to comprehend the significance of the crystal's reaction. Before he could fully grasp its meaning, a voice, both chilling and resonant, sliced through the silence.

"You've ventured far from the safety of the pack, Acap."

Acap's heart pounded in his chest as he turned to face the source of the voice. Emerging from the shadows, the hooded figure materialized, their features hidden beneath the depths of their cloak.

Fear and curiosity warred within Acap as he tried to find his voice. "Who... who are you?"

The hooded figure's presence exuded an aura of mystique and danger. "Names are of little consequence. What matters is that you are in danger."

Acap's eyes narrowed. "Danger? From who?"

The hooded figure's gaze remained fixed on Acap, their voice carrying a note of gravity. "The others have grown suspicious. They're searching for you, concerned about your absence since Suzie's disappearance."

Acap's thoughts raced, his mind connecting the dots. "Suzie... something happened to her?"

The hooded figure's response was cryptic. "Perhaps. But that is for you to uncover."

Anger and frustration surged within Acap. "Tell me what's happening! Is she... is she dead?"

The figure's hooded visage remained inscrutable. "Some answers are best discovered by the individual themselves."

Acap clenched his fists, his resolve hardening. "I won't be kept in the dark. Tell me what I need to know."

The hooded figure's tone shifted, carrying a hint of warning. "Beware, Acap. The game you're entwined in is more complex than you realize. Trust is a fragile thing, and alliances can shatter in an instant."

Acap's determination burned brighter, his voice unwavering. "I don't care about the game. I care about my friends, about Suzie. I won't let anyone else get hurt."

The hooded figure's eyes bore into Acap's, their depths unreadable. "Then you must tread carefully. The path ahead is fraught with challenges, and not everyone is as they seem."

Before Acap could respond, the hooded figure's form began to fade, like a wisp of smoke dissipating in the wind.

"Remember, Acap," their voice echoed, "not everything is as it appears."

Left alone in the principal's office, Acap's mind whirled with the weight of the information he had been given. He knew that he had to uncover the truth, not just for himself, but for the safety of his friends and the secrets that lay hidden within the enigmatic crystal. As he stood amidst the shadows, the path ahead remained shrouded in uncertainty, but his determination burned brighter than ever.

As Acap absorbed the cryptic words of the hooded figure, the atmosphere in the principal's office took an abrupt turn. The door swung open, and the room was invaded by the presence of Hakim, Dania, and Syamzul. Their faces were etched with a mixture of anger, frustration, and suspicion.

THE WEREWOLF GAME : THE SECRETS OF THE CURSED SCHOOL Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα