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At the other dimensions,

Host: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. We continue our live broadcast of the debate between Malaysian Prime Minister Hammani and Mr. Kennedy, the CEO of Plato Game. Prime Minister Hammani, you raised a crucial question about the planning and intentions behind this game. Mr. Kennedy, would you care to respond?

Mr. Kennedy: "I understand the concerns surrounding the planning and intentions of the Werewolf Game. However, I must respectfully decline to comment on specific details regarding the game's inception and development at this time."

Prime Minister Hammani: "Mr. Kennedy, the public deserves transparency and accountability. These missing students are in a dangerous predicament, and we need to understand how they ended up in this situation. I implore you to reconsider and provide the necessary answers."

Host: "Prime Minister Hammani, it seems Mr. Kennedy is choosing not to disclose the information you seek. What are your thoughts on his refusal?"

Prime Minister Hammani: "It is disheartening that Mr. Kennedy is unwilling to provide clarity regarding the planning and intentions behind the Werewolf Game. The lives of these nine students are at stake, and we cannot afford to withhold any information that may aid in their rescue. I urge Mr. Kennedy to reconsider his position and cooperate fully with the authorities."

As the tension in the debate continued to escalate, Zaher, who had been watching the proceedings with growing frustration, abruptly shut off the TV. The weight of the situation was too much for him to bear, and his emotions overwhelmed him.

Taufeq, sensing Zaher's distress, tried to offer words of comfort. "Zaher, I understand that this is a difficult time, but shutting out the information won't change the reality of the situation. We must stay informed and focused on finding a resolution."

However, Zaher's frustration persisted, and Taufeq's attempts to console him fell short. Just as the situation seemed to escalate, Izzah, a close friend of Zaher's, arrived at the scene. Recognizing his anguish, she approached him with a calm demeanor and a gentle touch.

"Izzah," Zaher whispered, his voice filled with a mix of anger and despair, "how can they just ignore the gravity of the situation? These students are trapped, and they are refusing to answer the simplest questions. It's unfathomable!"

Izzah placed a comforting hand on Zaher's shoulder, her voice steady and reassuring. "I understand your frustration, Zaher, but we have to trust that the authorities and the Prime Minister are doing everything they can. We must support each other and find ways to channel our emotions into constructive actions."

Zaher took a deep breath, slowly regaining his composure. He nodded, acknowledging Izzah's wisdom, and the weight of the situation began to lift slightly from his shoulders. Together, they vowed to stay informed, seek justice for the missing students, and find solace in their shared determination.

Taufeq listened attentively to Zaher's anguish-filled words, his eyes filled with empathy. He understood the weight of guilt that Zaher carried, blaming himself for not warning Acap about the dangers of the game. Taufeq took a deep breath before responding, his voice filled with sincerity.

"Taufeq," he said, placing a hand on Zaher's trembling shoulder, "it's essential to remember that this is not your fault. None of us could have predicted the true nature of the Werewolf Game. Acap made his own choice to participate, just like the other students. Blaming yourself will not change the circumstances or help Acap in any way."

Zaher's eyes glistened with unshed tears as he absorbed Taufeq's words. He felt the weight of guilt begin to lift, slowly replaced by a glimmer of hope. However, his anxiety still gnawed at him, evident in his trembling voice as he spoke.