Mei wasn't quite sure what to make of this sudden weird distance between her and Theseus, almost like he wasn't quite agreeing to the fact that she and Raphael would be going to this ball together. Yet, he hadn't said anything quite of the sort. But his message had been loud and clear.

But who was he to even care about who was bringing Mei to the ball? He was bringing his good friend, whom Mei didn't necessarily get along with. And she hadn't said anything about that!

The nerve of this guy, Mei cursed inwardly as she made her way to the breakfast table. In any case, she was glad that their tutoring lessons were over. At least she wouldn't have to always be holding her breath and hoping not to get caught. Or worse, expelled yet again.

The rest of the week was peaceful, only busy with assignments from all subject teachers who knew their students wouldn't be working the weekend of the ball. Thus, it seemed as though all the homework was suddenly thrust into their hands, resulting in Mei and Kevin to burn the midnight oil in a struggle to finish all the essays due Friday morning. Needless to say she had dark circles under her eyes by the time she was done.

"They hate us," Kevin moaned atop the lunch table, head practically slamming down onto the surface next to his plate. Beside him, Raina was peacefully picking off her peaches from her chocolate brownie.

"Don't be so dramatic, Kevin," Raina said as she popped a piece of cake in her mouth, making a sound of delight at the taste, "it wasn't really that bad, was it?"

Mei's eyes narrowed at her friend, "speak for yourself, smart ass."

"Ah well," Raina fluttered her eyelashes, "it serves to be intelligent, sometimes."

"You really make me want to strangle you," Kevin's words came out muffled against his elbow and the two girls giggled. He continued, "how am I supposed to have a good time today when I'm barely awake as it is?"

"Drink some coffee," Raina said.

"Or some alcohol," added Mei.

Kevin's head popped up, eyes narrowed towards Mei, "you are a devil, aren't you?"

"You asked a question, I provided a — might I add— a very good answer to it," she lifted her shoulder into a shrug, "I've heard of a few Slytherins wanting to sneak in some alcohol into their water bottles. Don't see why you could do the same."

"I was starting to wonder how you ended up in that house," Raina said then with a smirk, "I don't think I need to be worried anymore. You really are a true Slytherin."

The Winter Ball was to be held in the Dining Hall, with preparations to start after lunch was over. The students were called back to heir dormitories, which had turned into a makeup salon for girls. The boys were chatting by the fireplace and in the group sat Raphael. His eyes lit up upon finding Mei's and he quickly excused himself.

"Here comes lover boy," Kevin murmured before slinking off, just as Raphael came close enough to say, "hello."

"Hi," Mei attempted a small smile.

"I'm really looking forward to tonight," his grin was beautiful and it made Mei's heart skip a beat, "I've wanted to spend some time with you."

"Because of my superb beater skills?"

He cocked his head with a chuckle, "especially because of that. Say, what dress colour are you wearing?"

Mei only had one dress in her suitcase and it was— obviously — black.

"Black it is then," he grinned once more, pearly whites flashing in the light of the common room, "see you tonight."

To say that Mei wasn't nervous was an understatement, for she wasn't quite certain how to behave with someone she truly knew was interested in her. After all, she hadn't invested time in boys back when she was in Mahoukotorou and this was probably the first date she was ever going on, (officially). Her only dating history had been this one guy back in Japan with whom she'd held hands for one day and decided that he wasn't worth all the extra germs.

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