Deanna smiles. "It sounds like your family has a strong bond and a shared sense of purpose."

"We do," Xena confirms. "At the end of the day, it's all about saving lives and making a difference. Every member of our family is committed to that goal, and it's what keeps us united."

Riker leans back, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Your dedication is admirable, Xena. It's clear that your family's work has had a positive impact on the world." 

"thank you xena I have all I need feel free to come in when ever you find yourself missing your home. I have to go I've got work to do in engineering."

after a few minutes everyone had left to do there jobs and deanna had gone to find the clothes she was talking about earlier. Xena is stood before the holodeck controls, her heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. The holographic projection of Tracy Island's tranquil surroundings shimmered to life around her, a near-perfect replication of the place she called home. As she took a deep breath, Xena activated the holographic simulation of her family, each member appearing as a lifelike representation before her.

Holographic versions of her siblings and friends gathered around her, wearing warm smiles that echoed their real counterparts.

"Well, if it isn't our cosmic traveler. Xena, you sure know how to make an entrance," the holographic Scott jests.

"Hey, guys. I've missed you," Xena chuckles.

"And we've missed you too, Xena. It's not the same without your energetic chaos around here," Kayo smiles.

"Oh, come on. Chaos keeps things interesting," Xena shoots back, rolling her eyes.

"No arguments there," Alan laughs.

For a moment, Xena forgets that these are mere simulations. The banter, the laughter, and the familiar faces all feel so real. Xena sighs, "I wish you could see where I am now. It's... different, but also incredible. I'm learning so much, meeting new people, and exploring the unknown," Xena says, talking partially to herself.

"That's fantastic, Xena. We're proud of you. But remember, no matter where you are, you'll always have a place with us," Virgil says, offering his support.

"Thanks, Virgil. It's just... so it's hard being so far away. I've always been the one to rush headfirst into danger, but now I'm in a universe where danger takes on a whole new meaning. I dont have you to help me I have Aspen but not you I dont know how long I'm to survive with out all of you to back me up if i make a dumb decision youve always helpped relise it was the right one but what f i cant see that without you I dont know what the people here are like if they would back me up or leave me with my mistakes."

Holographic John interjects sympathetically, "We understand, sis. But you're a Tracy. Bravery is in our blood. And just think of the incredible stories you'll have to tell when you come back."

Xena's gaze shifts to the holographic representation of Aspen, her loyal companion. Her voice softens as she addresses her. "And Aspen, you've been my rock through all of this. I can't imagine navigating this journey without you."

Holographic Gordon chimes in with a smile, "We can't either. You and Aspen are quite the team."

As the holographic reunion continues, Xena shares what she has already seen on the enterprise, detailing her conversations with Captain Picard and the crew. Her family listens intently, their holographic expressions mirroring genuine interest and support.

"Sounds like you've found a new purpose, Xena. Learning from a whole new universe, just like you've always wanted," scott encrouages.

"You're right, Scott. And that's part of what's been bothering me. What if I'm meant to be here, exploring new frontiers and making a difference on the Enterprise? What if I've outgrown International Rescue?" xena agrees. The holographic room falls into a thoughtful silence. The expressions on her family's faces shift from joyful to contemplative.

"Xena, no matter where life takes us, family is always at our core. But only you can decide where you truly belong," kiara says softly.

"I just don't want to let anyone down. Not you, not International Rescue, not the crew of the Enterprise. I feel torn between two worlds." xena whispers. The holographic Virgil steps forward, his expression filled with wisdom and reassurance.

"Xena, you've faced tough choices before. And you've always found a way to follow your heart while doing what's right. Trust yourself. You'll find your path." Virgil softly suggests. Xena looks around at her holographic family, a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty filling her heart.

"Thank you, all of you. I needed to hear that." xena softly thanks them. As the holographic conversation comes to an end, the room slowly fades, leaving Xena standing alone in the now-empty holodeck. She's left with a sense of clarity but also a lingering sense of confusion. The holographic reunion has brought comfort and guidance, yet her path remains uncertain.

Xena exited the holodeck, lost in thought. As she made her way through the corridors of the USS Enterprise, she couldn't shake the feeling that her journey was just beginning, and the choices she would make would shape not only her own destiny but also the destinies of those she cared about most. she slowly headed back to her room thinking about what her "family" had said to her. 

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