Chapter 3592

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However, they were too young, and their stomachs were too small, so they were soon full. The cub was unwilling to give up. It wanted to drink more, but in the next second, it almost fell into the pool. Feng Wu grabbed it by the tail so that it wouldn't fall in.

"Drink." Little Phoenix urged Feng Wu. "It'll help you with your cultivation. Maybe it'll help you rise a level."

Feng Wu said, "Shouldn't I be refining my body right now? Can I still make a breakthrough?"

Little Phoenix said, "Of course, you can make a breakthrough. You can always train your body afterward. Besides, we're in a big battle right now. If you improve your strength, you'll be able to stay alive."

Feng Wu agreed. Without hesitation, she began to absorb the spiritual marrow in the pool. She opened her mouth, and the spiritual marrow flowed from the pool into her mouth. The pure spiritual essence seemed to have built a thin bridge between the pool and her mouth.

Little Phoenix and the cub watched from the side, curious about how much Feng Wu could take. They would rest for now. After Feng Wu finished absorbing it, they would drink as much as they could. If they were too full to drink more, they would pack up everything and take it away.

However... Their eyes soon widened! Because Feng Wu never seemed to stop! There seemed to be a rainbow bridge between the spiritual marrow pool and Feng Wu's mouth, and she kept going!

Little Phoenix turned to look at the spiritual marrow pool. The two pets had only drunk less than half a kilo each, and they were already full. They had so much spiritual essence in their systems that their bodies hurt, and they didn't dare drink more. However, Feng Wu...

She was still absorbed! She hadn't stopped! The cub widened its eyes and looked at Little Phoenix in shock. So did Little Phoenix. It was unbelievable! They all turned to look at the pool.

More than 50kg of spiritual marrow... Little Phoenix felt that Zuo Chengfeng must have spent countless years accumulating it. He had probably wanted to use it for his breakthrough. If he saw this scene, he would be furious.

Feng Wu had already absorbed all the spiritual marrow in the pool! Even the last layer stuck to the bottom of the pool was sucked into her mouth! However, her stomach remained flat afterward. No one knew where the spiritual marrow went. Little Phoenix and the others didn't know that Feng Wu was undergoing a drastic change.

Feng Wu sat on the ground with her legs crossed and her eyes closed. Her fair face was slightly flushed, and all the interference from the outside world was blocked. All the spiritual essence was turned into spiritual liquid in her dantian. The torrent of spiritual marrow kept washing over it.

Her dantian, which was already much sturdier than others, had undergone a strange change at this moment. It actually grew into a white transparent ball the size of a bowl! Other people's dantian was the size of an egg, but Feng Wu's dantian was the size of a bowl, and it glowed with a faint golden color.

The spiritual marrow was still continuously injected into her dantian, washing it over and over. In the end, there was a buzz. Feng Wu opened her eyes and gave Little Phoenix a strange look.

Little Phoenix said, "What?"

Feng Wu said, "I'm going to make a breakthrough."

Little Phoenix said, "Go ahead."

Feng Wu's eyes glittered, and she stared at Little Phoenix. "It's not going to be one level.."

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