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The next day Fatima had woke up n she was trynna walk but her legs was hurting her bc of what Zac had did to her but she managed to get up n go to the bathroom n get her self tg to go to work she was done getting ready n she was now leaving she didn't wake Zac up on purpose bc she wanted him to be mad but anyway she's at work

Fatima- hey girlie

Andi- hey

Fatima- how did last night go

Andi- oh yk we argued until he decided he wanted to shut me up by having angry sex with me so now my legs or hurting really bad rn n you

Fatima- oh after he took my phone he did the same Cody did n I left without saying nun to him

Andi- so n other words you want him to be more mad

Fatima- kinda sorta

Andi- Aw damn

Fatima- up but anyway I'll see you later

Andi- yup n we going out since we didn't get to do it last night

Fatima- Ight bet

The day goes on n they outta work they had called Danni n Lori to meet them they wasn't going home bc if they go home they boys was gonna make them stay home n they didn't wanna stay home the boys at work so they really don't know if the  girls at home or not so Lori n Danni had meet Fatima n andi (yes they changed the clothes )

Lori- y'all know they finna find us right

Danni- so they did it

Fatima- n I'm grown asf he's not my father wtf

Lori- true but still

Fatima- he's my man not my father idky he acts like my dad

Andi- maybe bc he's the man of the house that's what Cody be saying to me

Lori- girl boo idgaf if he's the man of the house if I wanna go out that's what I'm gonna do wtf

Danni- right but anyway enough of them where we going

Andi- well it's to early to go to the club n bar so ig we hanging out until den 

Fatima- well lunch ?

The girls- yea

They go to lunch n have fun talking laughing etc (well be back )

With the boys

Nate- what y'all doing

Zac- nun a little irritated

Cody- why

Zac- Fatima knows I hate when she leaves the house n don't tell me so she gonna do that so when I get home I got her ass

Preston- smh

Nate- what y'all boys finna be on

Zac- nothing you got some in mind

Nate- I was gonna say we can watch the game

Preston- who house

Zac- mines

Cody- cool

Zac- Ight I'll see y'all later

They get off of work n go home but when Zac gets there he don't see Fatima or her car os he's been calling n calling her phone but she didn't respond so now he really mad he called his boys they say the girls they not there too n they was on the way to his house they arrived n they talked n watched the game

Back with the girls

It's now night time so they was at the club having a time n drinking until they couldn't nm they all was drunk but managed to get home but they all went to Fatima house ( evb got a room there that's how it is with evb ) when they walked in they seen the boys n started laughing (yes Zac knows that evb had a room there )

Zac- Marie I'm finna fuck up real bad where tf you been at all night

Fatima- hey baby (walking up to him trynna kiss him)

Zac pushes her off she almost fell but she caught her self

Fatima- what's wrong with you

Zac- Marie go up the stairs now

Fatima- you is not my daddy stop trynna tell me what to do

Zac- GO NOW ( he said sternly )

She went up the stairs he followed leaving evb else downstairs

Preston- let's go now

Danni- you not my daddy stop playing with me

Preston- yk I don't repeat myself so get to stepping now

They go get in his car n went home he fucked her to sleep

Cody- oh yeah you already know don't look at me get in the car

Andi- I'm sorry baby ( in her baby voice)

Cody- Ik you gonna be go now

Andi- please

Cody- raven get in the fucking car now

Andi- bye Lori

Lori- bye girl

She left they went home he fucked her to sleep to

Lori just went in the car she already knew what it was

They go home he fucked her to sleep

Zac been fucked Fatima to sleep

Ian feeling like writing a sex scene but did y'all see that part where Fatima got shot 🙁?? I just know if she did madam coming after her 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️she should've been came for Karen ass tho 🫵🏾‼️but hopefully that shit ain't real .


Bye hoes ‼️‼️

inlove with my bestfriend (complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora