Ice Cold Koopaling!

Start from the beginning

Mario: It's working! The heat from the stove is melting the ice!

Peach: be careful! It very-

The ice shatters but now Mario felt the heat

Mario: Ow ow ow!

Peach: hot...

Mario jumped into a small bucket of water to cool down

Mario: Free at last! Now to unfreeze my fellow revolutionaries!

He picked up Luigi and started walking to the stove

Mario: When Luigi's unfrozen! he's going on a diet!

Luigi: Diet? I heard that! I'm not the one who needs a diet!

Mario: I'll start a diet! Next week

All of a sudden Mario slipped on a puddle casing him to drop Luigi

Daisy: Luigi!

Peach: look out!

Luigi landed on Daisy and peach and all of there ice blocks broke

Luigi: the ice man is here...

Daisy: your freezing!

She hugged him

Daisy: let me warm you up

Luigi blushed but then george slides out of the tent

Peach: George is retreating!

george: Help!

Mario and Daisy ran after him

Mario: Wait for us General!

george: Get me out of here!

Mario took out a plunger and tied the end of it to rope

Mario: Here Daisy! You have the best throw!

Daisy: good idea!

She threw the plunger and it stuck to the ice block

Daisy: Thrown perfect if I do say so myself!

The end of the rope was caught on Mario's leg and it pulled him with the ice block

Mario: Mama Mia!

Daisy ran after Mario

Daisy: Mario! Grab onto something before-!

Mario and george both crashed into a pile of snow breaking the ice

Daisy: you crash...

Mario: I'm ok! Sort of...

george: No time for pain my boy! History awaits! We've got to hurry and free my army!


Meanwhile Wendy was in her tent waiting for the time to attack

Wendy: It's not morning yet? Why isn't it morning? I need to get a sun tan!

Koopa: Uh it's only midnight your majesty! Have patience!

Wendy: Patience is for pipsqueaks! Like you! I want to attack right now! Now! Now! Now!

Koopa: In the dark?

Wendy: yes in the dark! Did I stutter?!

She slipped on the ice

Wendy: Dark is a lousy idea anyway and you shouldn't have come up with it! We'll wait until dawn!


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