"And you're not officially my omega. Yet."

"So change that." Jisung said with half-lidded eyes, leaning up to kiss Minho's gland as well. "Let's just do it. Make it official. We don't have to wait anymore, right?"

The older nodded, humming in agreement. "What do you think all the supplies on the nightstand are for? If you were up for it, I wanted to do it tonight- now that your papers are done. The day you officially present as an omega to the world is the same day I get to tell the world you are all mine. And that I am so lucky to be yours."

Jisung reached up with both of his arms to cup Minho's face and pull it back so they could look at each other. The younger's eyes were just slightly brimming with tears he attempted to hold back, and his bottom lip was quivering under the pressure of his teeth surrounding it until he spoke in a whisper. "You promise you want me? Promise you love me? And you won't hurt me or mistreat me? You won't change after we do this?"

The raven-haired male's brows curved in deeply, both worried and saddened at his partner's understandable anxiety. "I told Felix once, and I'll say it again. This is too important to me. You are too important to me. I won't fuck this up. I could never imagine myself wanting to hurt you in any capacity. You are already a necessary, distinguishable part of me, and we haven't even marked each other, yet."

Jisung sighed aloud, blinking away the tears that still fought to form properly. He leaned upwards slowly and slotted his lips against Minho's with no hesitancy. He knew the older would never hurt him. He knew he was loved- he was shown it every day. He could feel it, every day. He just needed to hear it.

Anxiety doesn't respond to reason.

He needed the reassurance, even if he was already confident in what the response would be. And he received it both in Minho's words and the way the male kissed him back- full of passion, comfort, and utter devotion. When they pulled back, they rested their foreheads against each other's, noses touching perfectly through soft breaths.

"Same time?" Minho asked, searching Jisung's eyes for any uncertainty, but there was only hope and fondness.

"Same time." Jisung confirmed, nodding with a warm smile still attached to his blushing face.

They shared one more brief peck, a comforting gesture, before tilting their heads to have full access to each other's untouched necks.They interlocked their hands on one side, while their free arms simultaneously, instinctively wrapped around each other, and their teeth sunk into each other's gland- painful but sweet nonetheless.

Their senses quickly became pleasantly overwhelmed with each other's heightened, bursting pheromones- the smell enough to make them acquire an accurate taste in their mouths. Both of them felt their hearts beating- hammering- against their rib cages, their bodies filling with a complete sensation of the other's presence, and a question they wanted to spend the rest of their lives answering.

Jisung had spent most of his life believing that true love was false. It was for fairy tales and something for children to hope for. He believed the idea of true love was to lessen the pain of reality.

But this wasn't that. This was prodigious and formidable, a sensation they didn't know they'd been chasing in life. Something neither of them knew they needed.

They were whole.

*̩̩̥˚̩͙⚛ ͙*̩̩̥˚̩͙

"You mean to tell me... that CEO Han stepped down. And her son- who has been illegally pretending to be an alpha, whilst actually being an omega- is trying to step up in her place." An older, grumbling man started from his seat, far from the presenter.

What do you need right now? (Minsung 18+)Where stories live. Discover now