Introduction - (Edited)

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Seraphina, an enigmatic woman known for her seemingly lazy demeanor, had a unique secret hidden beneath her tranquil exterior. In a world where instinct and survival reigned supreme, she bore the alias "Sloth," a name that seemed contrary to the fierce and capable assassin she truly was. The beast world was a realm governed by primal desires, where beings pursued their instincts above all else.

Within this world, Seraphina's reputation as the lethargic one who preferred to sleep away her days was a calculated façade. Little did anyone suspect that her true identity was that of a highly skilled assassin known for her cunning and stealth. The code name "Sloth" was an enigma, a cover that protected her from the eyes of those who sought to unravel her secrets.

Yet, the dichotomy between her lethargy and her true nature was not the only mystery surrounding Seraphina. Unbeknownst to many, disturbing her slumber was not merely an annoyance but a perilous endeavor. Those who dared to disturb her peaceful rest were met with an awakening that revealed the fearsome creature she concealed within—a monster whose fury was unleashed when roused from her sleep.

In the midst of a world where the beast men pursued their most primal desires and fought for supremacy, Seraphina found herself in their midst. A convergence of events had transported her to the heart of this realm, surrounded by those who sought to make her their mate. However, defying convention and expectation, Seraphina's choice was not driven by their pursuit or a sense of obligation.

With each suitor that approached, Seraphina exercised her unique power of choice. Strong and capable, she selected her first mate from among them, forming an unexpected bond that transcended the limits of mere instinct. As she continued to navigate this new world, her selections defied the norms, forging bonds that were as unconventional as her very existence.

The beast world, once defined solely by raw desire, began to shift and transform as Seraphina's influence resonated through its core. The legacy of unity and purpose she created extended beyond her own choices, inspiring others to rise above their instincts and embrace a shared destiny. The tale of her journey would echo through generations, a testament to the transformative potential of unexpected connections and the power of unity.

Awakening in the Beast WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora