Though I just kept my phone on silent.

But it made me wonder if he'll try to approach me again since he called so many times. The thought gave me a wary feeling as I sat on my seat in a class that I know would feel longer than it is. A class that I shared with Jason. No Xavier. No Star. None of my other friends I usually seat with. Just me. And Jason.

My impatience for the class to end multiplied when Jason sat behind me. I could feel his eyes on me the entire time, and I couldn't even focus all that well.

Once class ended, I hurriedly packed my stuff, but as expected, I could only take a step forward before he gently held my elbow.

"Amy..." He started. I yanked my arm away from him, then noticing a few students who couldn't resist drama seat back in their seats all the way from across the room. "Why did you just break up like that? Now I hear you're with Xavier and you're making out with him. Please tell me that it's just a stupid rumour."

"And what if it's not? You might as well have asked me if I was already with him behind your back." With the way he looked at me, I knew he was silently asking me if it's true. UNBELIEVABLE. "I'm not a cheater. Like you."

"Cheater?" He looked at me, trying to look for something in my eyes. "I am not a cheater. You must've seen wrong come on."

"That's the thing, I didn't see you. Star did."

"Star told you I cheated on you and you broke up with me?" He asked, voice dripping with disbelief and 'hurt'. I rolled my eyes at him in... unbelievableness!

"Star was like our number one fan. She is the reason we were together, she was there when we fought and she brought us back together. Plus, she can't lie even if she wanted to..or did you forget that too when you forgot all we went through?"

"I can't forget you Amy, why are you doing this to me?"

"Doing what? Just go back to the girl you were messing around with."

"Star must've seen wrong too!"

"She saw you clear."

"Only if you trust me like you trust her." He mumbled.

"I did." I mumbled.

"Amy please I didn't cheat on you. I still love you."

My heart jabbed at his words. I didn't know why it affected me but it did. And I hated it. It couldn't be that I still liked him. No.

"You messed up Jason, just admit it and make this easier." I said, my voice becoming soft.

"I... I'm sorry. I-I was carried away and a bit drunk but it's not an excuse and I should've gone straight home but I couldn't see well and I mistook another girl for you I am so sorry Amy but please forgive me." He ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

Seeing him beg like this...Jason never begged. In any way. I could feel myself letting my guard down, and I didn't like that at all. Obviously we won't get back together, but maybe we could be friends?

I scolded myself when I thought of Jason as cute for just one split second. I looked away and down to the floor.

"I don't know Jason." I heaved a sigh. "I'll think about it." I muttered, not daring to look up at him.

"Please just forgive me. I can't just forget you and act like you were never a part of my life. Maybe you can, but I can't."

The more he spoke, the more memories rushed in like a huge wave into my head. Our fights, our flirting, our dates, our talks and random conversations...our kisses and hugs...

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