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Of course, while Adam and Eve gained a new awareness and self-understanding, their actions also led to their expulsion from paradise and entry into a much harder world full of pain, shame and toil.


Jay's old Yamaha hurtled down the dirt tracks, he knew all the shortcuts but this was cutting it too fine even for him, he pelted out of the forest into the clearing off the airstrip. Dust and stones firing up behind him as he took a final sharp turn that nearly threw him. Pulling to a stop he saw the tail of the plane no more than eight metres off the ground. Like an idiot, irrationality told him he could catch it, steering the bike onto the runway he engaged first gear again, twisting the throttle back to build enough revs to release the clutch hooking his left foot under the gear lever up to second, in a split second he was off, through the gears and down the runway.

But who was he kidding? The plane was out over the sea before he had gone more than a hundred metres, but he didn't stop. If he stopped he would be engulfed by pain – the dark of his darkest nightmares closing in on him. He wanted to follow the plane over the edge of the runway, drop into the raging sea some way below, be bashed onto the rocks, the crashing of the waves, that familiar rhythmic noise the last sound he would hear.

As a turismo bus driver on the small island of Isla de Blanca, Geronimo was hanging around as he did for the incoming plane so he decided to wave Cassie off. They were all sad she was leaving, she was going to be missed. Turning back to the terminal after lift off a flash of light caught his eye, looking again he spotted Jay, the light reflected from his Yamaha's fuel tank as the bike gained speed along the runway, and Geronimo feared the worst.

Shouting to the nearest aircraft marshaller for backup he hijacked a jeep just hooked up to the empty fuel trailer to pull it away, positioning it in the middle of the runway, he got out to wave his arms above his head at Jay to stop, he just had an eerie feeling that son of a bitch was going to keep going.

Jay pulled up moments short of the jeep and its trailer. "I should have been here," he shouted out of breath as he dismounted and moved purposefully towards his friend.

"Why did you let her get on the plane?" Jay pushed Geronimo roughly.

"Hey" Geronimo said, in his deep voice.

"You gotta own this one, it's not anyone else's fault."

Holding Jay tight by the arms not sure what he would try next, he pulled him in for a hug. It was plain as day that Cassie and Jay loved each other, what a mess Geronimo thought.

"There is a thing called a phad, you know Jay." Geronimo said, trying to diffuse the situation.

"You can always contact her."

"You don't understand man," Jay, now pacing, said, a little unsure what to do with himself. Sweat and dirt smeared across his face and arms.

Geronimo could see the police coming and didn't want the agro.

"Come on man, let's get a beer, you can tell me what I don't understand."

He motioned towards the bike, let's get your bike off the runway, they'll take care of the fuel jeep he motioned towards the marshaller and jeep driver both standing around a little like spare parts.

"Do you think she knew that I got there," Jay mumbled not long after, as they sat at the nearest roadside bar, staring at his cold beer. "Maybe she was looking out the window," he looked up at the sky as if the plane would be suspended there.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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