It felt as though he'd suddenly seized her mind in an iron grip. Eclipse furrowed her brows while Moon winced, touching her head delicately.

Listen, Darkstalker said. I could see the future, but not just any future - all the possible futures. Do you understand what that means? I could have guided the tribe along the best path, to safety and glory and power and everything else. At each crossroad, I would have been the best ruler they'd ever had. I know it; I saw the futures where I was king, benevolent and beloved, married to Clearsight with six dragonets of our own. Those were possible. They could have happened, if anyone had had faith in me. 

He paused, then went on. She saw them, too. Clearsight had the gift of prophecy, as strong as mine. She knew those futures existed. . . but she also saw the ones where I turned toward evil, destroying instead of protecting. She didn't believe me that I could avoid those paths. 

In the end, I guess she didn't believe me at all. 

I wonder what happened to her. 

There's always to sides to every story. I wish I could ask Clearsight or Fathom what happened. Eclipse thought. For all I know Darkstalker could be lying. Or conspiring a plan to break out of wherever he is and kill us all for our ignorance. He could be dangerous. And If he breaks free, how will I protect Moon?

You won't have to protect Moon from me, Darkstalker said quietly. I wouldn't hurt her. 

I don't know that. Eclipse snapped. I don't know you. All I have to go off of is your word and the stories about you, which, do not convince me you're a nice, loving dragon. 

I don't want to hurt anyone. Darkstalker said sternly. I just want to be free. 

Eclipse wished he didn't have to see all the doubt within her mind about him. She did feel bad for him. Being betrayed by your best-friend and beloved, even if it might have been necessary. The sorrow of waking up one day and realizing everything you knew and loved have been gone for centuries. But she couldn't trust him. 

This is going to sound weird, Moon offered, but I kind of want to give you a hug right now.

Darkstalker barked a laugh. 

How did she surprise you, then? Moon asked. If you could see all these futures - how did she trick you with the bracelet?

I had to much faith in her, he said. I saw the possibility that she would betray me in more than one future - but further down the line. I didn't believe it, so I never studied those paths, just as she was supposed to stop looking down my darker paths as well. Up until the last moment, even with visions of blackness pressing against me, I still thought I could change her mind - that I could talk her into trusting me so we could fly into our bright, perfect future. 

He made a kind of growl, and Eclipse could tell, only slightly, there was a deep sorrow and loneliness that came behind it. Even against her better judgement, Eclipse felt a stab of pity. 

I never saw any of this back then though, he continued. I suppose prophecy doesn't extend two thousand years forward, not even for me. 

So you don't know what happens next? Moon asked. 

All I can see is darkness, he said softly. All I can do is hope. 

Hope for what? Eclipse questioned.

Hope for someone to set me free. You two, specifically.

Moon jumped up, dropping the Animus Histories scroll. Eclipse jerked back out of the way of her wing and Starflight turned his head towards them. Sora also blinked up in surprise. 

"Sorry," Moon said. "Just - had a thought." How can I set you free? she cried. I'm nobody. We have no idea where you are. And you're - you're -

The most dangerous dragon in Pyrrhia history? Darkstalker said dryly. You shouldn't believe everything you read, Moon. 

You're the most loveable dragon I've ever met. Eclipse offered sarcastically.  

Moon settled back down beside Eclipse, curling back into her corner. Even if I do agree to it -

Moon! Eclipse snapped. 

- which I'm not saying I will! Moon continued. How could I? 

There's something I need, Darkstalker said. 

"Moon!" Kinkajou called, sticking her head into the library. "Didn't you hear the three gongs? We have to get to history class! Sora, you too! Hi Eclipse!" 

"Hi, Kinkajou." Eclipse waved. 

Sora scrambled to her feet, dropped her scroll with a clatter, and fumbled around trying to roll it back up. Moon picked up the Animus Histories, wondering if she could skip class somehow. 

Eclipse pushed herself from the ledge, pulling Moon with her and taking the scroll. She trotted over to Starflight and placed the scroll onto his desk, guiding his talons to it until they closed over the parchment. 

"Hi, Starflight! I'm super excited," Kinkajou said. "I don't know anything about history. I have a million questions for Webs. Like, what's the Scorching, and is it true there used to be scavengers everywhere, and who started the Talons of Peace, and what's the big IceWing tragedy from the past, and -" 

A scream of terror suddenly echoed through the tunnels. 

"Help!" somebody shrieked. More screams and the clamor of running dragons joined the tumult. "The SkyWing! She's here to kill us all!"

Wings of Fire - Eclipse Burning (1)Where stories live. Discover now