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Today was the day, she had already cancelled all her meetings, and she had already started to make rebekah regret what she did, she snuck into her house, she had found a dead witch in the basement and brought her back to life. "torment her, I would but I'm a bit busy." the witch who had long hair stared at the girl confused.

"how am I alive." she asked looking around and touching her face, she reached out to hope gently grazing her hair, "I'm a powerful witch, who wants only rebekah mikaelson to suffer. and if I find out any other Mikaeslons have been harmed I'll kill you... again." hope smiled after.

"We got a deal." the witch nodded and grinned, "And just to make it clear, I don't want you to kill her, or put her to sleep"

"Why!" hope stared at the wall and then at the girl again, "My relative, would probably despise me." the witch just nodded, but before hope could speak the witch walked out of the room, "just remember, is she dies, you die. and don't go looking for white oak or anything else they have all been burned." the witched looked about and beamed, "not all, but I won't kill her, but she will wish she was dead." hope nodded and grinned.

"good luck, and don't get yourself killed."

 it was now early afternoon and hope was sitting in her front room waiting for the brunette siphoner to call her, she had been waiting for about an hour and was getting very aggravated.

today the mikaelson and Saltzman had planned to get Lizzie to come over and talk about everything that happened and how hope had not moved on.

it was very easy to convince Josie to let them meet up, but Josie said it was hard to get Lizzie to meet up, so right now they are probably arguing, or maybe they're on there as and Josie forgot to call hope.

either way, hope was getting impatient and worried, she had to get Lizzie to forgive her in order to continue on with her plan. hope knew that if Lizzie wanted nothing to do with it, the whole thing would be a waste of time.

hope sighed as she waited for the phone call that would tell whether their plan worked or not.

Suddenly her phone rang, and hope quickly picked it up. She heard Josie's voice on the other end, "Hope! We did it! Lizzie agreed to meet with you!" Hope sighed in relief and smiled.

"thank god, I thought you were going to have to drag her here." hope said still smiling.

josie chuckled and said, "Well I did have to put in quite a bit of convincing, but at least she's coming."

hope thanked Josie for her help and hung up the phone. finally, she was going to be able to talk things out with Lizzie.

Hope was worried; her hands were trembling, and she had the uncomfortable feeling that something unusual was about to happen. She anxiously scanned the room, taking in every detail but not really seeing any of it. Her breath came faster as her mind raced through scenarios of what could be wrong – why this sudden tension? Her thoughts began to blur together until all she felt was a sense of dread and fear for what might come next.

there was a knock at the door, hope stopped breathing. was this it? had Lizzie arrived? She slowly opened the door, ready for whatever came her way. and there stood Lizzie--tall and beautiful with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and pink lips. hope couldn't believe it; here was her chance to finally fix things between them both!

She took a deep breath, pulling all of her courage to the surface. She opened her mouth to speak, but before she could say anything Lizzie spoke first.

"Hi Hope," she said softly with a smile on her face, hope was taken back, she thought Lizzie was going to be rude, and unwelcoming but there she was, being her usual self, a small smile graced Josie's face as she looked between them.

"oh shoot, I think I left my hair iron on, I'm going to have to go!" before anyone could answer Josie had walked away, "Are you just going to stand there and look at me or are you going to let me in." Lizzie laughed, her voice had a faint hint of nervousness.

Hope smiled and stepped aside to let Lizzie in, then closed the door behind her.

"It feels like we haven't seen each other for decades," Hope said as she looked into Lizzie's eyes, "I don't know where to begin."

Lizzie nodded and gave her a tight hug before sitting down, " Let's start with why we haven't talked in so long." She said, her voice still holding a hint of nervousness.

Hope sighed and looked away for a second before forcing herself to meet Lizzie's eyes again. It was time, to tell the truth about what had happened all those months ago (1 month ago). She started talking, slowly and carefully choosing her words, "I don't want to blame Caroline, she wants what's best for you." she stated, "I'm a mikaelson after all."

"and... it was my fault you got hurt, and I could have been the reason you died." Lizzie shook her head, "I'm alive, healthy." she held her hands up, "We were all scared."

Hope took a deep breath and nodded. "I understand," she said softly, "but... I never should have put you in that kind of danger." She paused, feeling the guilt weigh heavily on her chest before continuing. "but you didn't... unless you made told her to come after us." a small laugh escaped the blonde twin.

"I forgive you, even though you did nothing wrong," Lizzie assured her, and Hope felt a bit of relief wash over her.

"Thank you," she said gratefully before continuing. "And I promise to never put you in danger again. No matter what the cost."

Lizzie smiled softly at her before giving her another hug, "you don't have to worry. but onto something that has been on my mind."

"Are we still together, are you still, mine." a wave of shock took over hopes face as she stared at the girl. her cheeks tinged pink as she process the words.

"you want me to be yours?" she finally exhaled, eyes wide and filled with surprise. lizzie simply smiled in response, nodding in confirmation. hope leaned forward and pecked Lizzie's lips, feeling a warmth take over her entire body at the brief contact between them. "I was always yours Elizabeth."

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