The Perfect Day

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This part is longggggg. But I PROMISE its so worth reading. I loved writing it, it's so cute.

Pls tell me how you feel in the comments when you're reading it, I love interacting with you all and hearing your thoughts :))

When I woke up Pierre had already left the room, he's probably with Charles and the guys downstairs. Arthur did mention something about us all getting bikes and going into the local village today, so maybe they've gone without me. I don't think Charles will speak to me today and to be honest after how Charles spoke to me yesterday, I don't really want to see his face for the rest of the holiday.

I didn't realise how long I had overslept; it's lunch time and I don't feel all that hungry. I guess the meal from last night filled me up. I go downstairs into the restaurant to get a drink and maybe an apple to snack on before dinner. Everyone is sat at the table except from Charles, I guess they changed their minds and decided on another rest day at the hotel. I'm glad I can just relax today instead of being so tense with Charles being around.

But I guess I spoke too soon, because I immediately cross eyes with him as I start to walk over to the lunchtime buffet. I try not to make it obvious, but I know he saw me as I avoided having to walk past him. I go over to the table to say hi to everyone skipping food altogether, before I go outside to the bar and pump alcohol into my system.

"Good afternoon" Enzo says trying to make a point of me sleeping in. "It is isn't it Enzo" I say smirking at him, I know the little game he was playing but I wasn't about to get a lecture from him, I'm on holiday. "How did you sleep?" Says Pierre smiling up at me. God I could just stare at his face all day, especially that cute smile.

"I feel shit I'm on edge, especially with Mr grumpy he's like an exploding time bomb" I say looking behind me to see where he is. They all laugh at me as if it was a joke, but I was being serious. "I'm sure he's gotten over his little meltdown from yesterday" Enzo says trying to resolve everything as usual. "Yeah and I'm sure Santa's real" I say sarcastically. "He could be you never know" Arthur says being actually serious, he's still a child at heart. "Yeah just because Santa didn't give you many presents as a child it doesn't mean he's not real" Pierre says making everyone laugh but me, I just glare at him.

"Incoming" Arthur says looking over my shoulder from the other side of the table. I turn around and see Charles and Charlotte walking towards us. "Belle!" Charlotte says running at me. She puts her food on the table and gives me a hug. "I've missed you so much, do you know what it's like going on holiday with this many guys alone?" she says laughing. All the guys just sit there looking offended which makes me laugh too, the amount of testosterone filling the air right now is suffocating.

"We definitely need to go to the spa one day this week" I say smiling at her. "I've already booked us a slot, we need all the tension worked out of us" Charlotte says sitting down next to Charles. Arthur laughs and whisperers something under his voice that only Enzo could hear. I can only imagine what he must have said, Enzo laughed so I know it was something inappropriate.

"I'm going to go into the local village to maybe get a sandwich" I say watching them all eat their lunches. I need to get away from this table because all I can see out of the corner of my eye is Charles staring daggers at me. "There's plenty of food here Belle" Enzo says gesturing to the food on his plate. "I just want to go on a walk Enzo, okay" I say a little annoyed. He holds his hands up in defence.

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