The Truth Comes Out

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I guess now Isabelle has got her University degree she needs to decide what to do next. Or decide what job offers to accept, if she hasn't already...

What do you think about Pierre and Isabelle getting close in the last part, is there some tension there??

Its late at night and we have all dressed up and are at the hotel restaurant for dinner. I put on a simple white maxi dress that hugs my body, yes I'm on holiday with my brothers but that cant stop me from looking good. Especially in front of Pierre, even though I didn't know he was coming. I'm glad I went holiday shopping for new clothes because my old clothes just looked bad. 

The rest of the afternoon today was pretty chilled, me and Arthur drunk a lot of cocktails and we got a little drunk. We ended up ordering a bunch of ice lollies and eventually Charles had to cut us off because apparently 'they'll spoil our dinners' or whatever. After that we all went back to our rooms as the sun started to set so that we could take showers and freshen up for dinner. However they did tell me to go up to my room before them and start getting ready because they think I take longer than them, so I did and I ended up waiting forever for them to get ready and join me. 

We've just finished our mains and the waiters are cleaning away our plates and cutlery. I can say with certainty that the food was some of the best I've eaten ever. Arthur has managed to keep his mouth shut about the whole Pierre thing all night, I don't even think he's thought about it. Enzo doesn't seem to know, so I don't think Arthur said anything to him whilst they were getting ready in their room. 

"So Isa what are you plans now you've finished college?" Pierre said, changing the conversation from whatever nonsense Arthur was droning on about. How did Pierre know I've just graduated though? I graduated earlier than anyone else at the Uni. Has he been keeping tabs on me? because I haven't seen him for years. And I know Charles would never bring me up in a conversation regarding university.

Anyways I shouldn't think too much into it, I'll just make up some scenario in my head about him doing it because he likes me. Which is bad because I know he doesn't, why should I get my hopes up. 

"I've actually got a job in marketing and communications" I say proud of myself. A smile formed on Pierre's face and surprisingly on my brothers' too. "You have a job?" Arthur sounds surprised. "She's smarter than you of course she does, congratulations Belle" Enzo says wiping his mouth with a napkin. "Thank-you Enzo" Enzo's my favourite brother. At this moment in time other than Arthur obviously. I love them both for different reasons. I wasn't planning on telling them about my job until the end of the holiday but Pierre asked and for some reason in the moment I couldn't lie to him. 

"Well done Isabelle where is it? Back home in Monaco? Or in Barcelona?" Charles says, it actually sounds like he's being nice and taking an interest in my career for a change. A small smile formed across his face and I could tell he was proud of me. It seems he can be a nice brother sometimes.

"Well actually I'd be travelling with the job." I say. They all look confused. I'm not ready to have this conversation not yet. I was going to wait until the end of the holiday to talk to them about it so I'm not prepared. There's not really a set location for the job, I mean there is but I'll be travelling most of the time and I can work from home occasionally. Wherever I decide home is.

Spinning Tyres ~ Pierre GaslyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang