Minor Inconvenience

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Heyy sorry it's taken me so long to update this story, i kinda lost motivation but i've become inspired again :))

Also thankyou to the people who gave me ideas about new parts i really appreciated it, if any of you have ideas feel free to comment them!!

When we finally got to the hotel the porters took our bags. The outside of the hotel was all white, I'm suprised they've managed to keep it so clean. But I guess this place is expensive so they've got people to do work for them. The inside was just as Charles went over to the front desk to check us all in and enzo and pierre went to the bathroom. The good thing about this hotel is that it's exclusive, meaning no one from the public can get in, so my brothers can avoid being bombarded by fans whilst we're here. Obviously I'm glad about that because I hate being around people who obsess over my brother and I'm sure they'll all like to just relax without someone staring at them whilst they relax in the sun lounger.

"Here are your 3 room keys" Charles looks at the receptionist confused. "There's meant to be 4 rooms" I can see arthur trying not to laugh at Charles being mad. To be fair there are meant to be 4, me and Arthur are sharing, then enzo, Charles and Pierre get their own rooms.

"I'm sorry sir there seems to have been a mistake with our bookings" The receptionist says as Charles sighs frustrated. "Well can you give us another room?" Charles says. "unfortunately we are fully booked, this is a terrible mistake on our part" Enzo overhears what has just been said and walks back over to try calm Charles down. "What do you suggest we do?" Enzo states calmly. He's in holiday mode which is why he's so calm about this right now. "We will refund you for the room and I can offer free access to the spa throughout your stay. Two of the rooms you booked have 2 double beds inside the room and the other two are single double bed rooms if that is okay for you?" I can see what Charles isn't very happy, but it doesn't seem to bother Enzo. It's not like were going to be spending a lot of time in our rooms anyway.

Me, Arthur and Pierre walk over to see what is going on. "I'll share with Enzo" Arthur says giving me a smirk.  Why is he smiling like that, that's his evil smile. "I don't mind sharing with isa" Pierre says. Me share with Pierre? No this can't happen.

Charles looks even more angry now, it seems he doesnt like the thought of me and Pierre sharing. But what's going to happen? were just friends, if you can even call it that. "No Arthur you're sharing with Isabelle and Enzo you with Pierre." It's good to know charles is still protective over me, even though I wish he wasn't.

Enzo and Arthur both exchange a look. What are they planning? Am i seriously the only one who can see they're up to no good? Charles is honestly oblivious sometimes. "Arthur actually has some of his clothes in my suitcase so it would just make more sense Charles" I don't know what Enzo is playing at but I know that isn't true, him and Arthur are playing a dangerous game with Charles.

Pierre turns to me "I guess that means we're sharing" he smiles at me and I smile back. "No I'll share with Pierre, Isabelle you can have my room" Charles says butting in, god he's annoying. "Chalres, Charlotte is coming tomorrow and I don't think she'd like to share with Pierre too" I say, I know Charlotte would appreciate me saying that, otherwise she'll be the one third wheeling them. Charles would really do anything to keep me and Pierre apart, it's not like anything is going to happen between us, he's been like a brother to me practically my whole life, i know he's never liked me.  "Fine I guess you'll both have to share" Charles takes the room keys out of the receptionists hands and begins to walk away, dragging Pierre with him. I have no idea what they're talking about, but I'm sure he's warning him about staying away from me.

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