Zay-*chuckles yes mama it's adorable

Y-*small gasp right

She slid her feet running to him and put her arms around his neck then looked Jay up and down

Y-"who is dat? Is he trying to take me from u? Are u gunna fight? Are u cheating on me? Are u gay? U look alike. Can he make me ice cream?"

Zay-"this is Jay my brother on my father's side bo we're not gunna fight no I'm not cheating on u no I'm not gay and  I think he can make u ice cream"

Jay-"I did not agree to the last part"

Zay-"too late your making her ice cream'

Jay-"how about u learn and u make it"

Y-"I don't like him he's sassy"

Jay-"I am not sassy"

Y-"I think your sassy I'd like u better if u made me ice cream"

Zay-"He can make u ice cream later for now u and the staff get to know each other he's going to be up here for a while-"

Y-*whines nooo what about bedtiimmee

She whined and pulled on him

Zay-"baby he is not going to be here I mean in town"

Y-"u promise"

Zay-"I promise princess"

Y-"u luh me"

Zay-"I do love u"

Y-"mkay I feel betters"

She put her head on his arm and rubbed it


Y-"are u judging me"

Jay-"I didn't say that"

Y-"I feel judged"

Zay-"u two are going to get alone wonderfully"

Y-"no I disagree he's sassier then me"

They laughed

Zay-"dont be shy everyone come speak"

Lola and Naomi looked at each other then walled to him on either side he looked at both of them

Naomi-"im naomi"

Lola-"im Lola were normally the ones to help yn with her wardrobe stuff"

Naomi-"and get her dressed keep he calm stuff like that"

Lola-"but we could do the same for u while u stay"

Jay-"honestly I'm honored ladies but I'm sure yn needs u more then I do"

Y-"how would u know"

Naomi-"I agree we put it work before time so we have extra time to do things as such"

Lola-"how about we help u with your bags-"

Jay-"no no no that's for me to do"

Zay-"or camron"

Cam-"camron this camron that what about kian"

Kian-"im busy"

Cam-"im surprised your not getting your neck sucked"

Lani-"get your head cut off"

Cam-"u wo- I'm kidding I like my head today"

They laughed

Y-"oh my sister is here"

Everyone in the room except her-"u have a sister!?"

The elevator dinged and the doors open showing a girl yns height walked in


She ran to her and hugged her

??-"aw I missed u lady bug"

Zay-"camron close your mouth"


Lola hit him he started choking she let her go

Y-"dis my sister Chloe "

Chloe-"hey yall"

Cam-*sighs and almost faints

Jay caught him putting his arm around his neck

Jay-"wake up wake up wake up wake up"

Chloe-"is he ok"

Cam-"mhm I'm good"

He sat up

Y-"hes single"

Chloe-"oh good"

Cam-"shes gunna strangle me"

He put his hand on his neck

Cam-"would I like that?"

He whispered

Jay-"dude really ask yourself thoes questions in private"


Chloe-"hes cute"

She tilted her head with a smile he swallowed hard

Y-"be nice"

Chloe-"I am being nice"

Y-"anyway Chloe dis is my boyfren fiance husband bestfriend I been talking about"

Chloe-"can I punch him"

Y-"no u cannot punch him we have to much in common"

Chloe-"right u think we fuck the same"


Chloe-"true your freaky as hell"

Zay-*chuckles and looks at yn

Y-"dont look at me like that"


Idk what this is u got bored suck it

my random Ideas pt 3Where stories live. Discover now