Chapter 7

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One more day and Yolanda was off to this vacation. She still hasn't told me where she was going. I wanted to spend this last day with her. Hopefully we could continue this once she came back. She was making a last minute reservation before her trip. I sat and waited. Once done she sat beside me but her phone immediately begin to ring once again.

"I'll be right back." She answered the call and walked out the room but I could still hear her speaking. Why did people think you couldn't hear them if you couldn't see them? I smiled at the thought.

"I told you that I was going to see you there didn't I?" I heard her say. See who where I thought as I listened. "Hey don't worry about all that shit. We'll get more once we get there. It's one plan ride then we gone hit the road. I don't want those airport cops prolonging the process so to skip all of that stress just leave the shit. I got you I promise. Oh and ah wear that piece I got you." She giggled at something the other person said. "You look good in anything. You know that." Who the fuck was she talking to. "I can't wait to see you. Yeah we gone have a lot of fun. I know your vacation is longer then mine. Why don't you come back here with me once our road trip is over with. Yeah? You sure you coming back? That's when the real fun gone start. I can't wait to see that beautiful ass of yours either. Okay. Bye." By the end of that conversation I was trying my damnedest not to start some shit but I knew that it was going to be a complete fail. Once she came back in she sat next to me and begin flipping through the channels.


"I didn't know you had someone going on this vacation with you."

"Oh yeah. Just some chic I met. I thought I was cool going by myself but I guess not."

"Who's this chic?"

"I only met her one time a while ago."

"And y'all suddenly going on a trip together?" I looked at her and rolled my eyes.

"Don't start Racheal."

"Start what? I'm just asking a few questions."


"What's her name?"


"How you meet her?"

"When I went on vacation with my family. She was at the lake me and my sister swim at. We just hit it off."

"You sleep with her?"

"No, but she fine as hell though."

"Um." When she didn't say anything else I gave my attention back to the TV.

"She's straight. You don't have to worry about her."

"Straight women sleep with lesbians just for the experience."

"Why do you care anyway." I asked.

"I don't care of we're not in a relationship. You're not sleeping with her."

"Watch me." I was too scared to look at her. I felt when her hand gripped the back of my neck. That shit hurt.

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