'When we get home cheol hyung would like you both to get dressed as quickly as possible please.' Chan looked up at minghao with a confused expression but as minghao used his body language to say 'I can't tell you' the younger just placed his head back onto the latter's shoulder. 'I think your gonna have to pick nini's outfit again hao.' Minghao turned his head around to the owner of the voice looking at the small smile on mingyu's face, 'why?' Mingyu pointed toward the sleeping girl on his side and it cased four of them to swoon over how cute she was. Soon making it home mingyu carried the young girl into the house, seeing wonwoo sat on the couch and placing her down next to him. He smiled as Lani practically glued herself to wonwoo within 10 seconds. Wonwoo chuckled placing his book down on the coffee table and running his hands through the youngers hair. Mingyu,minghao,seokmin and chan made their way up the stairs toward their bedrooms before chan stopped in front of his three hyungs. 'Is it smart or casual clothes?' He questioned before carrying on walking to is room leaving his door open for one of them to follow know ing that two would go pick Lani's outfit. 'It's casual don't worry we won't make you wear a suit channie.' Seokmin chuckled as he watched his soulmate go through his whole wardrobe over and over.

'Found it.' Minghao  cheered as he decided on the outfit that Lani was gonna wear to out, he held a light grey thin sweater with a pair of beige short dungarees, paired with a small brown bag and trainers. He love it and smiled as he sent a picture to the group chat asking the rest of the boys what they thought, receiving lots of praise back from his other soulmates. Just in time Lani came strolling through the door to her room and smiled as she saw her pre planned outfit laying on her bed. She walked toward minghao and left a kiss on his cheek, saying a quick thank you she wen in to the bathroom taking a quick shower before she got changed. When Lani came out of the bathroom minghao had left the room, presumably to get changed himself, so Lani made her way over to her vanity, speaking her hair with heat protectant and then blow drying it so that it was straight, before putting a small amount of make up on.

'You ready Lani?' Seungcheol questioned from his place leaning on her doorframe. 'What the fun- when did you get there?' She screamed holing her hand over her chest, 'but in all seriousness, yes I think I'm ready. despite having no idea where we're going I think I actually look good thanks to minghao.' Seungcheol chuckled as he took the youngers hand into his and they walked out of the house and to their cars. 'Right now it's time for the driving.' Seungcheol said while getting into the drivers seat as Lani got into the back of the car next to Soonyoung and jihoon who smiled at her as she entered the car.


'Can you take your hands off of my eyes please hyung, I'm gonna walk into something or worse one of you!' The group laughed as they cover their two youngest's eyes walking them toward the area that they had spent all day preparing for now. Seungcheol and wonwoo lead Lani and chan to be standing next to each other be seungcheol began to mouth '5~4~3~2~1'.

'CONGRATULATIONS, ON FINISHING YOUR EXAMS!'  Was shouted by 12 voice boxes as chan and Lani were now able to see again, after looking around Lani came saw a picnic blanked set for 14 people, the teenagers slowly turned to the group of boys as they all went and took a seat around the picnic basket. Taking a seat herself Lani let herself relax into the nature around her while having a great time with her soulmates. The more Lani thought about it the more she wanted a further with these boys that were the absolute best thing that had ever happened in her life, she realised that she didn't care where her life went as long  as she was with these boys. Lani stood for he seat on the floor and cleared her throat to catch the attention of the group before taking a deep breath and smiling toward them.

' I would like to say thank you to each and every one of you for how you have treated me for the past year and I am very happy that you guys are the best thing that has ever happened  to me. You were there when I was struggling with family problems, you were there when I got myself hurt in an attack that I couldn't do anything after due to my ankle. Honestly I owe so much to you guys and I know I say it a lot but-

-I love you all so much from the bottom of my heart and I am so thankful that our SOULMARKS brought us together!'

———————|THE END|——————

Thank you all for reading

A/n- wow that's it this story is now completed, I honestly didn't expect so many people to like this story but I am really happy that my silly little book ,that was started as practice for my English language exam, has been read by so many amazing people. I am very thankful that you took the time out of your days to read SOULMARKS and really hope you find another good book the read. Whether it's mine or not. I hope you have a lovely day/night.

wontonie-ah :)

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