101 Days of Witchcraft

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It is traditional for new Wiccans to study for a year and a day before fully entering the Wiccan religion.

Welcome, young witches, I’m Vio L. If you are reading this, then you must have some sort of interest in witchcraft, Wicca or paganism. The reason why I’m writing this is to aid young and new wiccans in their 101 days of study!

This guide will include lessons, tests and fun little projects to complete!
Note-this is a guide for those who want to be wiccan, AND practice witchcraft! 

Now some might ask, ‘why do I need to study?’
Well, you don’t necessarily NEED to do a year and a day of study, but I gives you a chance to know what you’re getting into. In some cases, the want to be a Wiccan Witch is only a phase, and next year you’ll regret getting into it. The 101 days of studying determines weather or not you really want to be brought into a new faith, and a new craft.

This little guide will create lessons, tests and fun little projects for you to complete to help you learn about what Wicca is all about! By March 19th, 2014, this guide will have a lesson/test/project for every day of the year!

Projects? Will I have to make a Bristol board or something?
Computers and Bristol board research won’t be needed to complete these projects. Maybe some rope, twigs, leaves and glue instead!
Tests? Will they be hard/ taxing/make me feel like I’m in school?
Yes, some of these tests WILL involve a LITTLE BIT of study, and you will need to actually memorize information, but remember that you can complete these in your own time!

There MIGHT be a little homework involved, but you only have to do it if you want to.

Good luck and blessed be! )O(

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