Chapter 8

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Katie's POV
"Dallas I'm fine. I just wanted to find my brother. I was lucky enough to find you too." I tried to sound as confident as possible. He just stared at me with these hard eyes.
"You are not fine. When I grabbed your wrist you flinched hard, you're the size of a pin, you look like a piece of white paper, and your not fine."
"No." There was a long pause. "Do me two favors? And then I'll leave you alone."
"I guess" I didn't like where this was headed.
"Roll up your sleeves."
"Do it"
I did and he looked at me but not at my arms, he looked at my eyes.
"Now step on this scale. You don't have to look"
I huffed but did it. I kept my eyes on the ceiling the whole time, although I saw him kneel down to look at the scale.

Dallas's POV
The scale said 89lbs. She's 5'4 that's not even close to normal. I can see her rib cage and her hipbones from where I'm kneeling. Every bone I can see is sticking out. I can see all the bruises,  all over her face and neck, especially the ones between her legs. Then I took a glance at her arms. They were bad. I could barely breathe.

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